Looks like we have a little game of renaming the OCC over at Naked Capitalism…

Plus, it is a really good post so check it out…

OCC Makes Patently False Claim That Slap-on-the-Wrist Servicing Penalties Could Hurt Banks

It’s time we come up with a new handle for the Office of the Controller of the Currency. It is difficult to convey how shameless this regulatory-agency-turned-slut for the banking industry has become. It’s the Stage 4 disease version of where our government is heading at a rapid clip: officials masquerading as serving the public interest when they are uber lobbyists for the pet whims of their supposed charges.

So what do we call the OCC? The Office of Capital Corruption? The Office of Criminal Capitulation? I have no doubt readers will have even better ideas (and don’t be constrained by the acronym).

As we’ve written in some of our posts on the foreclosuregate settlement negotiations, the OCC has engaged in what even those of us at a remove can tell is bureaucratic warfare against the FDIC and the yet to be operational Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. For the OCC to undermine the CFPB is a twofer. First, it helps to beat back meaningful mortgage reform. Second, the CFPB has the potential to hamper the OCC’s real mission, which is to make sure that the banks come first and everyone else pounds sand. It recognizes the need to make the occasional concession to keep the pitchfork crowd at bay, but otherwise it really has no interest in making the banks toe the line. Note that the Treasury and the Fed have pretty much the same worldview, but the OCC is more shameless and bloodyminded about pursuing it.

You can check out the rest over at Naked Capitalism here…

Some of my favorites are…

OCC = Office of Banksters Servants Companions & Enablers (OBSCENE)

OCC = Office of Criminal Cheerleading

OCC = American Bankers Association

