Dear Bank of America, and by Bank of America I mean CEO Brian Moynihan…

Brian, I’m running out the door at the moment. I have to make a flight to Arizona so I can attend a meeting in the morning at the state capitol. A state senator called me last week asking for my help promoting a bill related to the foreclosure situation there. Were it not for my schedule, I’d be ripping you and your bank to pieces in this column, and then asking all of my DOERS to inundate you with emails and letters in support of yet another homeowner who’s life you have irrevocably, unconscionably and inconceivably harmed.

I’ll be back at my desk tomorrow, and I was just going to wait until then to deal with you, but you see… this story brought tears to my eyes as I sat here checking in for my flight… I guess I’m just emotional (although I think “human” is the more appropriate word) about such things, while you perhaps are not. Anyway, I decided that even though I didn’t have time to write the story in detail… I’d let you know what’s coming soon to a theater near you.

My thinking is, if you want to avoid me having to spend the eight or so hours it takes me to write all of the details into a piece that will be read and remembered by tens of thousands of people all over the country, you’ll address this situation before I get home tomorrow afternoon. I hope you don’t view this as some sort of threat… I don’t mean it that way… I hate people that threaten, you know what I mean? Either do it or shut up, has always been my motto.

I’m just giving you a heads up, if you will, of what tomorrow afternoon is absolutely certain to bring if you don’t do something about… hey, do you remember the Perry Mason television show from days gone by…

The Case of the Grieving Grandpa and the Lying Lender


Mr. Dale Wright of Cloverdale, California

Loan Number 149664284

Check out the rest from Martin here…
