The Federal Government, Conspiring With Wall Street (and Foreign Banks) To Destroy American Neighborhoods Through Foreclosure

The federal government is the Wizard Behind The Curtain in the majority of all Amerikan residential real estate financing.  Through its surrogates Fannie, Freddie, USDA, VA, HUD, it controls and directs virtually all economic, legal and social policy related to the homes Amerikans live in.

In courtrooms, it’s not the banks that call the shots and it’s not plaintiff’s attorneys….it’s the central planners…the feds.

In short sales, it’s not the banks that call the shots and it’s not the realtors…it’s the central planners….the feds.

In modifications and mediations, it’s not the banks that call the shots…it’s the central planners…the feds.

In the disposition of vacant and blighted homes, it’s not the realtors…it’s the central planners…the feds.

In the “bank sponsored break ins” it’s not the banks that call the shots…it’s the central planners….the feds.

And the feds are inextricably linked, arm and arm, golden handcuffs to golden handcuffs to Wall Street and the international banking cartels.  The central planners, Bernake, Paulson, Geithner, they don’t serve the interests of the Amerikan people….they serve the interests of the international banking cartels.  The President and All The President’s Men (and Women) in Congress serve Wall Street and the international banking cartels…nowhere is this more apparent than in the complete lack of prosecution of any of the Wall Street financial criminals….it is clear now that they will all walk free….they are above, beyond, and superior to all the laws.

Read the rest here…
