U.S. Bank National Assoc. v. Antoine Duvall on NPR Radio

TO:                        SUPREME COURT JUSTICES of the STATE of OHIO
FROM:                                      ALL OHIO HOMEOWNERS
RE:              U.S. Bank National Assoc. v. Antoine Duvall et al.
                                                     CASE Number 2011-0218       

To have STANDING, as a plaintiff, in a mortgage foreclosure action, must a party show that it owned the NOTE and the MORTGAGE when the complaint was filed?

PREVIOUS ANSWER:   YES – Plaintiff must own the NOTE and MORTGAGE
WHY:  For the 4th time in this case – is the same question before the court ?

Although this question has been repeatedly asked and answered – somehow – you have allowed the big banks to reintroduce the question, and have yet another opportunity to twist the law – in your court (surely you can’t be bought……can you?).
Will you honor your oath of office and do the right thing? Will you uphold the LAW?
Will you allow a “Wall Street” destruction to Ohio Land, Title, & Property ownership?

Check out the rest here…

