Random Repost Blast from the Past. Going to start off each day with a random repost from the archives… Enjoy!

Via Wikipedia

Nye Lavalle is an American sports marketing executive and social scientist turned consumer and investor advocate and activist. He is known for his studies on American sports, culture, charities, and media conducted during the 1980s and 1990s.[1] In recent years, Lavalle has focused his time on advocacy and activism for consumer and investor issues, primarily on fraud in mortgage servicing and securitization.

Since the Olympics in 1996, Lavalle has pursued the investigation, analysis and exposure of mortgage fraud, abuse and predatory lending, servicing and securitization schemes. He began his investigation in 1993 after identifying mortgage fraud on a family property in Dallas, TX.[31]

In 2000, Lavalle as a whistleblower and activist registered a number of Internet domain names involving the trademarks and service marks of Bear Stearns and EMC Mortgage and claimed on the websites that they were engaged in predatory servicing and lending abuses as well as cooking their books. Lavalle claimed that Bear Stearns and EMC’s mortgage practices would ultimately bring down the U.S. economy and international financial markets via their frauds and abuses in the securitization of mortgages. Bear Stearns filed a lawsuit and obtained an injunction against Lavalle preventing his use of those names.[32]

Lavalle was central to stopping foreclosure abuses in the state of Florida and the expansion of banks and lenders hiding behind the veil of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS) as the mortgagee of record in foreclosure actions.[33]

Lavalle is believed to have coined the term predatory mortgage servicing in a 1999 white paper titled 20th Century Loan Sharks[34] from Americans Against Mortgage Abuse. In the paper, Lavalle described four stages of predatory mortgage practices that included: Stage 1 — Predatory Mortgage Securitization; Stage 2 — Predatory Mortgage Origination/Lending; Stage 3 — Predatory Mortgage Servicing; and Stage 4 — Predatory Mortgage Foreclosure. The term “predatory servicing” was used in Lavalle’s report against Bear Stearns and EMC Mortgage that same year.


PMI Ocwen Anderson Report – Sue First Ask Questions Later