TWAS THE NIGHT of Foreclosure


Twas the Eve of Foreclosure, and all through the home
a family sat worrying, their fate still unknown.
The Bankers were celebrating for what did they care,
the local town Sheriff, soon would be there…

While the children of bankers are safe in their beds,
the children of foreclosure, live with fear in their heads.
With Mers and their fraud, the banks and their crap
they all settle down for a “Christmas” nightcap…

Now throughout America, there’s a rising of clatter,
we homeowners are shouting “FRAUD” doesn’t that matter?
Emailing our Congress and Judges at last,
we “quiet” homeowners are a thing of the past!

Knowledge is power and this we all know,
we’ll rise above greed, without stooping so low.
Our hopes being diminished with the fraud we were dealt,
and just when we thought, we couldn’t find help.

But,what to our wondering eyes should appear,
a small grassroots movement made of courage and cheer!
Now with a little research, they educate quick,
we knew in a moment this must be the trick!

More rapid then warriors together we came,
we whistled and shouted and called them by name.
“No Citi” “No Chase”, “No Wells Fargo”, and more
“No corrupt financial system” with Foreclosures galore.

From the top of our roofs, at the top of our lungs,
we yell “STOP the FORECLOSURES” time to throw out the bums!
We have taken a stand and will fight for whats ours,
while showing the banksters they are losing their power…

When met with an obstacle, we sign in on the site,
because “Hamlet” and friends are leading this fight.
While educating others, we chat on the forum,
we share our research with a certain decorum…

We’re leveling the playing field, the power has shifted,
we’ll save our homes by researching and sifting.
So listen up fraudsters and those of that kind,
stop destroying our lives, start towing the line…

With Rico, Tila, Bankruptcy and more,
Quiet titles and Quit claims, we’ll show you the door.

We are all done playing, the game you have started,
our families need shelter, for here we are parted…

You keep your money, your greed and destruction,
we’ll keep our homes, of love and protection…
So Merry Christmas big banksters, watch out and be wise
a rare breed of fighters will bring on your demise!!!

Copyrights of KT Hamlet
(reprinted w/ permission)
