IRVING H. PICARD, Trustee for the Liquidation
of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC,
Soooo my my…hasn’t Chase been a busy beaver over the years…making a whole lot of money with the ponzi business…In Dec. 2010 Tom Peters.. anothers ponzi scam….the records show Jamie boy was cozy cozy in that deal too….cause when tommy boy was arrested..Jamie and others seized over 300 million from Tommy’s account. Fraud money from hedge funding to go to the victims… now Jamie has that to put under his pillow at night…and now Madoff….’Jamie dahling…are they picking on you again?’ ‘ As a mother..I believe Jamie is running with the wrong crowd. Would you not agree? Two months in a row a banker and 2 ponzi schemes …oh heavens…get the rubber hip boots on and let’s go digging for more ponzi schemes…we found alot of fraud already … so we are all experienced in that crime….and we know the banks did not fund our mortgages…they lied to they had their own scheme going at the same time ponzi dealers were playing footies..with the big boys….Jamie made a whole lot of millions in fees for the privilage of using the bank to deposit fraud money. And we complain on the fee’s they charge us to deposit a weekly paycheck. Oh..I forgot..if the check was less than $500.00 balance we got slamed with another fee. So I can only say one thing…if Jamie does not get slamed knowing he was aiding and abetting with a crime more than once…the citizens need to protests all over the country…crime breeds crime..and it reeks in Washington and the financial industry. We can’t pretend anymore…..WAKE UP AMERICA
Not to worry. The new White House Chief of Staff, William Daley, is sure to help the President insist on fair punishment for this fraud.
Oh, wait a minute, William Daley came right from the senior ranks of JPMorgan Chase where he was in charge of their lobbying efforts!
Never mind.
Well…first it’s JP Morgan Chase…and now it’s the Mets….who will be next??? There seems to be no end to these racketeers. You know… in the Savings and Loan scandal… 3,800 BANKSTERS were prosecuted and sentance to prison…by the Justice Dept. count. Now with the crisis upon this land…. 4 years have gone by and no one has been indicted. And where does that start??? THE GOVERNMENT….4 YEARS NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE. The seed to this whole crisis is the GOVERNMENT. The government gave the banksters all rights to do as they saw fit. All laws were thrown in the trash…regulations were unheard of…..THE BAD MORTGAGES WERE THE MONEY MAKERS FOR THE BANKS….THE BANKS BET SHORT ON THE BAD MORTGAGES…..good mortgages were not money makers. So for years the banks made a whole lot of buckums GAMBLING ON SHORTS…..while making A–es out of the citizens of America . And our government gave them the permission to run a Ponzi scheme selling mortgages over and over…making more buckums…all while they bet on the shorts…and the fraud reeked through-out the financial industry. Regulators ‘saw’ no wrong.
The Ponzi scheme was a very familiar, closely acquinted. racket for many years to the banks…each with their own way to make deep profits…and ways that sped faster to gain profits. Bank lobbyists snuggled with the CONgress with bulging wallets to get legislators to support the banks..and it worked.
Our CONgress has failed the people in this crisis….with no jobs and millions of homes being taken by fraud. No concerns..just silence…an omission of mention of our country in ruins. All while they play with the health care now going into the third year of nothing.
So this whole scam that has been pulled on America…involves the government and the financial industry. Is there another Egypt lurking in the background??? Or is the Justice Dept. going to step to the forefront and start the proceedings?? We will be watching……………..WAKE UP AMERICA
Interesting indeed, the timing of the unraveling of the Madoff Ponzi scheme coincides with the collapse of the “housing bubble”.
Well, as previously mentioned in a similar post, JPMC will simply get a slap on the wrist; they’ll pay a seemingly enormous fine (that is just a “ding” in their checkbook) and nothing at all will change.
Our U.S. AG (Holder) is impotent. The regulators – they do nothing.
Nothing will change.
As a regulatory compliance professional, I would like to believe that this entity will be “served”, but they simply are too big and too evil – and they’ve infiltrated our government.
Shameful, just shameful.
Absolutely mind-blowing!!! I never knew it was THIS bad! I never knew that the investors were being robbed as well as the American public! I thought it was just our own banks robbing us, but it looks as though our banks were complicit (aiding and abetting…or outright knowledgeable involvement) in also robbing the investors, too. What is going to come of all this? Will anything “really” be done to reimburse all the robbed funds?
This is just another example of a Ponzi Scheme which could have been modeled off of BIGGEST PONZI SCHEME THEFT OF THE PEOPLE’S WEALTH IN HISTORY by a gigantic criminal enterprise who have HIJACKED AMERICA, THEY ARE HOLDING OUR ENTIRE COUNTRY HOSTAGE. WE ARE NOT BROKE AMERICA, WE WERE ROBBED!!!!!