CPAC Chief Is Partner In Law Firm Defending Foreclosure Mill, Served On Board Of Fannie Mae
WASHINGTON — The new head of the American Conservative Union, the group which hosts the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, has ties to the ongoing controversy surrounding fraud in the foreclosure process.
New ACU leader Al Cardenas is a partner in the law firm of Tew Cardenas LLP, which is currently defending “foreclosure king” David Stern, whose own law office is at the center of a major Florida investigation into foreclosure fraud. Mortgage companies hire the Law Offices of David J. Stern, frequently referred to as a “foreclosure mill,” to handle their foreclosure paperwork for them. Stern’s employees have testified that the office was a hotbed for illegally robo-signed foreclosure documents, with some employees churning out 1,000 improperly signed documents every day.
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No wonder….I am a vendor owed over $ 30,000 for work my employees did legally for Stern
everytime I call I am sent to Tew’s office Tew send’s me to the AG
I hope they get cells next to each other Stern you cannot afford $ 30,000 that’s gas for your
Bugatti you lie fown with garbage you get up with garbage I am punished for doing work legally
such delusion I knewe they were in cohoots I could not believe that mean controller Esther Surujon
would not even try to pay my invoices Tew lied to me on several occassions if justice is not done
it is wrong to put one more person in jail for petty stuff this is big stuff
it is not nice to not pay your bills
Dude, you expect US to feel sorry for YOU? Puh lezz. IT WAS YOUR CHOICE TO DO BUSINESS WITH THE DIRTBAG STERN!
Like you said, you laid down with some dirty damn dogs and now you’ve got the fleas… too bad, so sad. Guess you’ll just have to sue the guy, just like the homeowners you were working against.
Back of the line, pal! Back of the line and quit yer whining!
WHOA great find.
This shows how the criminal enterprise “moves around” the system to try and cover-up their own crimes. Nothing like giving the criminals the ability to try and destroy and cover-up the evidence of the crime after the fact. Isn’t that a crime as despicable as the initial crime. This is truly DEPLORABLE behavior by our own Government and no one else. Great job by Zach Carter reporting on these sneaky criminals.
Because of this crap Florida has been suffering
Tew probably was in on this the whole time or Stern
threatened to talk if Tew didn’t represent him
it all makes sense Tew keeps saying Stern is innocent
what is he going to say he is guilty when Tew was in bed with him
maybe now this crap can get handled and we as a State can get back to work
this was great reporting sad to find out ..can you imagine what else we don’t know
that’s going on so corrupt how do they sleep at night maybe the new name is
Catch Me if you can…OMG how will it end….
Of course Tew knows what is going on. He had to go public and say Stern did nothing wrong. Tew was probably making the big bucks so why would he not keep the dirty money coming in.
Great example of Capitalist Cronyism. THIS IS EXACLTY WHAT THEY DO. They re- emerge with a new disguise/identity so they may try to deceive the masses. Great job 4closurefraud.org for calling this guy out! Bravo guys for calling a spade a spade. This is excellent, par excellence, by the Huff post..
Isn’t it sickening how they keep resurrecting themselves.