Scott OKs last-minute bailout for courts
Gov. Scott approved a $19,487,027 loan to tide the courts over until the end of May. The loan must repaid by the end of June.
Gov. Rick Scott signed off on a loan to state courts to fill a budget shortfall that would have resulted in two-week furloughs.
Scott waited until the last minute to approve the bailout. Palm Beach County’s chief judge Peter Blanc said Scott needed to approve the loan by Friday to prevent the furloughs. The budget deficit was caused by a drop in the number of foreclosure filings, fees from which make up the bulk of the court’s spending.
Scott and Florida Supreme Court Justice Charles Canady reached an agreement this morning, according to a press release issued by the court’s spokesman Craig Waters, to keep the courts running through the end of May.
You can check out the rest here…
I wonder what would happen if the court couldn’t repay their debt. Could the gov then foreclose on the courts?
HA! What a bunch of “deadbeats” that can’t pay their bills…
Our courts are run on the PONZI scheme….I have said this before….” Budget deficet was caused by a drop in the number of foreclosure filing fees which make up the bulk of the courts spending..”….. That is what Madoff worked on…depending on new money coming forth to keep the PONZI scheme running. LOL…Now the courts know what it feels like to not have the money in hand to keep the system running smooth…For the courts information that is called BROKE..NO MONEY…SOON NO JOB. This was not caused by the lack of foreclosure filings…It was caused by the lack of doing the justice job as required by law…Hearing, seeing and finding fraud in the Hall of Justice…this caused the bottom to drop out from under the court system. The DEADBEATS are the criminals standing in court with papers of lies and fraud…proven by the homeowner….and the courts ignoring it all in favor of the criminals. This is not justice…this is another scam used to bring this country to ruins.
No matter what the corrupt banks and corrupt ;foreclosure attorneys did, IF we had Chief Justices in all the states, the likes of the Judge Schacks and the Judge Spinners that would demand that the lower courts follow the law and the Constitution. then it would make sense to fund the courts, a priority.
How do we get rid of a bad Judge like Alice Schlesinger of New York Supreme Court that took a bribe and sides with the racketeers ro perpertrate Title fraud. ?
According to Dunn & Bradstreet, THE UNITED STATES is also a corporation. Don’t they all stick together?
It may be a corporation according to Dunn and Bradstreet….BUT….it is also a PONZI scheme. Wearing the label of corporation does little good when the practice of the criminal PONZI scheme is used to rip all the citizens of their values for deep pockets to hoard in offshore banking….
LMFAO!!! Keep all of the foreclosure attorrnies, judges, etc. at work at taxpayers expense and throw the taxpayers out on the street so the government can provide them housinig, food stamps, unemployment, etc….Makes NO CENTS to me!
Strange…the courts fund was money…and like magic…Millions appear….Just a thought…Could this have something to do with the bankersters association being cozy with the legislators ? After all, Tallahassee seems to be their home base.
Now the courts need to stiff fine the banksters on all frauds, each a count with a high fine, so the courts can pay their bills…and the homeowners can shake off the blood suckers . The courts have till the end of May to pay this debt off…than what? Wake up Judges…use some math here….up till now the courts have not used any smarts…they allowed the frauds to continue thru court…at no cost of fines to the criminals…The homeowners proves the fraud and keeps his home…and the criminal banks pay for all fraud and kisses that house good-by. That, my friend, is Justice.
No the courts are not getting the big money foreclosure fees because the people are sick and tired of fraud in the system that was generated by illegal bank documents and crooked attorneys that wilfully & knowingly filing frivolous & fraudulent foreclosure documents.
I will be glad when the day comes that the citizens of the US demand restitution from the baniks and all parties involved in their criminal activities so that our country can get away from the corporate Illluminati control.
Can’t come soon enough for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am ashamed, I voted for this man. I am so sorry Florida.
Don’t feel bad (@ lisamarie)…I voted for him too! But at least I did NOT vote for Obama. Our court systems stink from the state to the federal level! Crooked lawyers, crooked judges. It would be a godsend to see some of those “court” personnel try to pay their own bills when they don’t have a job! And what’s going to happen at the end of May???? The will all become the “deadbeats” that they have accused those fighting the fraudclosure for the last 5 years!