Don’t worry, it’s just a technicality…


“It was typical closing, flawless,” said Van Zalen. “Title company was there, bank was there, realtor was there.”


“Standing in line at the rental place, phone rang,” said Van Zalen. “Realtor said ‘don’t move in there, there is a problem.’”


Foreclosure mess puts homeowners in limbo

MICHIGAN (NEWSCHANNEL 3) – A foreclosure mess is putting people’s status as homeowners in question.

It has to do with a recent Michigan Appeals Court ruling that calls into question thousands of foreclosures.

The court says a company called Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems didn’t have the right to initiate foreclosures. That company keeps mortgage records.

Now, some people who bought foreclosed homes, or homes in the process of foreclosure, are finding themselves in limbo.

“It’s hard to find a replacement for the perfect house,” said Bob Van Zalen.

Van Zalen says he’d found the perfect home, a foreclosed home near Three Rivers. Van Zalen closed on it a few weeks ago.

Then his nightmare began…

You can check out the report with video here…

So let’s hurry up the foreclosure and get those “deadbeats” out so we can sell these homes to suckers “productive people” that can move right in…
