Video – On April 10th 2011, 250 religious leaders and homeowners from VOICE (Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement) gathered in Manassas, Virginia to launch a campaign to hold key financial institutions accountable for the foreclosure crisis in northern Virginia. They are demanding bank executives streamline the mortgage modification system, fund non-profit housing counselors, and rebuild devastated communities (led by the worst lender in Prince William County, Manassas, and Manassas Park – GE and Jeff Immelt).
Listen, Countrywide and Bank of Destroying The American Dream might have already been paid back by several for loans from unidentified investors, multiple times, and by credit default swaps and insurance. It is a potential insurance fraud! Then they want the homeowner to pay them again! The simple fact is that our loans might have been concurrently sold into multiple Trusts at the same time, which would be equivalent to selling the same car over and over to several different people using a COPY of the pink slip or Title of the car. IT IS ILLEAGAL!
Nevertheless, If there is a break in the chain of title: “An obligor is not obliged to pay the instrument if the person seeking enforcement of the instrument does not have rights of a holder in due course and the obligor proves that the instrument is a lost or stolen instrument.” – U.C.C. provision, U.C.C. §3-305(c)
These bankers attitude reminds me of that song by George Harrison named “Piggies”.
Look, I am not looking for a free house. I am looking for a free country! These banks should be held accountable by the homeowner according to the laws of our land. This is why everyone should have a Title and Securitization Search done. –
Join me in my fight America! Because divided we might have fell! But United We Must Stand!
My name is John Wright AND I AM FIGHTING BACK!
Read John’s Daily Blog at on how to join this fight!
John Wright
Everyone is equal under the law according to the U.S.CONSTITUTION…..that is why they are trying to burn it! They are getting away with committing federal crimes in civil courtrooms across America….non judicial foreclosures are also unconstitutional if the government is involved in the taking….and we all know they are…!
Dear Piggybankbloggers:
I have finally found the evidence that I was looking for, which will finally prove once and for all that Bank of Lying To America has lied to us yet again, but about it being the investors decision if we receive a home loan modification.
I have written about it at my daily blog:
Therefore, I have a special request:
1. PLEASE send today’s daily blog to all of your elected officials, but for both your state and federal government. It is important that they understand that Americans are very educated on this topic, while we send a message that lets them know that we are watching how they vote on these issues, because it is our intent to hold them accountable. We have to be more powerful than the bank lobbyist, but we can only do that if we are united in numbers. Metaphorically, Americans standing with torches tend to suggest accountability, which is more powerful than any amount of lobbyist the banks dispatch.
Please list on your email to the elected officials, including AGs, President and media the following:
a. Please go to
b. Please read John’s Daily Blog dated 06/06/11 (provide the link)
c. Tell them Americans will not accept MERS
Note: You may find your elected officials at the following link:
2. Please also send a complaint to the BofA CEO, while you tell him how you feel about them lying to us, but as effort to steal our homes. Put on it “I support the John Wright Vs. Bank of America Lawsuit,” because it will show them that we are all united as one. Be mad as hell too!
Brian Moynihan’s Email:
3. Please send me a copy of your email to the President because it is my intention to post it. You may send a copy of this email to:
America, it is very important that you please take part in this. This is your chance to do something that might leave a better world for our children, but more importantly stop Bank of Lying To America in their tracks. I now need your help, and it will only take a minute of your time.
Please do not disappointed me America!
Divided we might have fallen America, but UNITED WE MUST NOW STAND!
God bless all of you! God bless America!
My name is John Wright AND I AM FIGHTING BACK!
John Wright
Better late than never. , Regardless of religious differences, we need to work together on saving our homes.
Here’s a quote we used to hear back in the Cold War days:
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend,”
Count Otto von Bismarck
It applies to our situation now.
Kathleen, I am not expressing my religous views, I am speaking the truth. Don’t be fooled, they are not our friend..They had me fooled for almost my entire life until I found out the truth about them. They use many proxies to carry out their evil plans. I do not trust them, not for one minute. I believe in God but Religion is a ruse. What are they trying to do for all of us except to shove a loan mod down our throat? Who wants that? Our homes are paid for. The devil is in the details.
Why is this video until now? if this happened in April, this kind of protest have to come out right way and in bigger numbers, the people united in protest will be the only thing that will save this country from disaster, home values have come down in percentage even more than in the Great Depression, and the worse is yet to come, when is all of these FRAUDS are finally going to stop what does it need to happen for the people to finally wake up in big numbers?
acmodspecialists-you asked “why is this video until now” & what does it need to happen for the people to finally wake up in big numbers” ???????
this was probably aired at their LOCAL area tv stations & News papers but to get on National News you need to be a Paris Hilton or Lindsey Lohan.
Mainstream media focus is on anything but bad bank news.
My answer is because Banks own the news media.
It takes a tremendous amount of time, effort and money.
I commend this organization for their hard work to “demonstrate” with a crowd of 250 people !!!
I have tried to organize a protest to be staged at my local downtown BOA.
First of all most people are working, too embarrased-poor-no baby sitters-car reposessed
the list of reasons or excuses is too long, have heard everything you can imagine for not showing up.
Take for example just the simple Tshirts involved, the time and cost of being designed-then printed.
TShirts are inexpensive and could also be sold ro raise funds or give them out for free to participants.
People can make their own posters-those that have children in school can enlist the help of students.
Then there has to be a person or persons to “donate” their time and camera & audio equipment to record the event.
Just the time it takes to create a phone or email list of participants is unbelieveable. Many have had to shut off their phones or change their numbers & email accounts because of relocation due to foreclosure. I have found that petitions are also a waste of time.
In my town & county you have to have one or more permits to stage any type of “event”, state the number of attendees, Fire Dept., Insurance & Liability issues-space required. It is not an easy task.
City & County Officials deter this type of demonstrations so I have planned to rent a table at my Local Farmers market or enter a local Arts & Crafts show to hand out printed materials and perhaps free copies of the DVD INSIDE JOB. Yes, it takes time & money but most of all getting folks to attend/help and forget having the stigma of DEADBEAT or being embarrased in front of their local family/ friends and business associates. Slowly but surely more people will step forward and stand up for their rights. What have you done or attempted to do ??????
woodknot: Everyone needs to take it to the streets and demand the criminals be removed from positions of power and held accountable for their financial crimes and not leave until they are as OpESR, suggests.. Screw the t-shirts, we don’t need t-shirts to organize, we need to unite and take it to the streets.
woodknot, I commend your for your efforts keep up the good fight, as for me, i try to spread the word any way I can possibly do it, twitter, Facebook, emails, wordpress, LinkedIn, and any other way i can think of
Fight the good fight
I an an ex-catholic and I would like to tell Vatican City to stick their loan mod requests up their IMPERIALIST, OLIGARCH, PLUTOCRATIC, NAZI asses. They are behind this whole devastating plot to destroy America’s freedom, rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution as well as our National Soveriegnty. Immelt, Dimon, Moynihan and all of the rest, know damned well our homes are paid for because of the biggest Ponzi Scheme Swindle and Heist of our wealth in history. The entire plan to destroy our National Sovereignty was fully planned and instituted by the Revived Roman Empire/VATICAN/JESUITS A/K/A THE UN/NEW WORLD ORDER. FANNIE/FREDDIE/ THE BANKSTERS/ WALL STREET AND THE FEDERAL RESERVE ARE THEIR DIRTY LITTLE PERPS AND PIMPS.
Rome should stop doing their dirty work in the name of God through priests and the Catholic Church.. They work for Satan. They are liars. Anybody see the get up that Michelle Obama wore to meet Pope Benedict at the Vatican after the G 8 Summit? She wore a black veil and a black dress and she isn’t the only one. Google it, Michelle Obama meets the Pope. It is unbelievable.
I vent- most of the time I respect & agree with your comments but this one is absurd.
Why such a petty comment on her “get up”.
MO wore the same or very similiar outfit as Jackie Kennedy-it is proper, recommended attire for a meeting with the Pope.
Do you remember her husband ? John F kennedy ? tried to demolish the FED RESERVE and look what happened to him.
woodknot: What? Everyone who I showed those pictures to were creeped out and appalled. All black, with a black veil I would say would be proper attire for a BLACK MASS. Maybe you are not catholic and you do not know that black attire is reserved for funerals. The black dress would have been not half as controversial as the BLACK VEIL. Michelle Obama is not the only woman who has showed up to meet the Pope in a black veil. Sorry, I highly question that black veil get up for any occassion.
woodknot: I forgot to mention that I am not trying to say the Obama’s are bad in any way for wearing the black attire.. I do not doubt this is some sort of sick ritual they are being forced to participate in. I am trying to point out where the real evil is lurking and it is in Vatican City..Go to you tube and search for the black pope. There is another video on you tube to search for answers search for CNBC Illluminati crashes stock market.
woodknot, I am only trying to expose where the enemy is lurking. He is in plain sight in this video. That is why I am so irked. . That priest is a vehicle they are using to cause distractions to hide their true identity. I remember the Pope stuck his 2 cents worth in Wisconsin and stuck up for the protestors. They use religion as a distraction.
I am so disgusted with the misinformation and ignorance displayed by most homeowners. This group, while it should be commended for at least organizing, is chanting, “Modify our loans!” These banks can no more modify legally than they can foreclose legally. The servicers do not own the notes. And no one knows who does own most of them. No court should allow these foreclosure plaintiffs to present a “true and correct” copy of the note or a lost note affidavit. No forensic-approved original, no foreclosure. Period. The plaintiffs should bear the expense of proving authenticity of the note and legal chain of title. Even if the original is available, the plaintiffs must be forced to show HOW ownership of the note was transferred legally. These facts should be in place BEFORE presenting a complaint for foreclosure to the courts, which, of course, would clear out the court overload overnight.
Better yet! Claw back the trillions from the banks and other financial and support institutions and cancel the mortgages. ALL of them. Compensate fully the homeowners whose homes are already sold. Force MERS to return to the kitty the 80 million involuntary $4-5 fees, which were collected at closing to register the MERS mortgage in its own system. Let the homeowners stimulate the economy. Jobs would be created and families would remain intact. Neighborhoods would flourish!
Otherwise, be sure you are ready to meet God. Judgment is underway.
I’m a born cynic.My statement is it’s great that the churches and so forth have decided to become involved and help people out.My question is why now and not 4 years ago when things really started to blow up in peoples faces?Was it not just as believable back then as it is now?What do the churches stand to gain now that they didn’t years ago,yet you do not hear of thier activism and support until now.This is a situation that should be watched closely as a lot of religous organizations have covert reasons for becoming involved in this.
Pamela…I wondered the same…where have they been all these years? Why now come forth? May be they all now realize the people are raging mad….anything and everything may happen in the future. But religon has different sides and beliefs…just as we found. I must say it was a shocker to hear of the Vatican…i think of the word ‘betray ‘..I read this years back but never repeated it as most of my family are Catholic on my Mothers side. But being I read this in a book on Hitler given to my husband many years ago …this knowledge was stored within me…afraid to say what I knew. Now my mouth does not shut….like it or not, I say it. I don’t believe any church ( beside the Catholic church) is looking to gain anything….as the clergy in Florida going to Tallahassee…maybe they are hoping for solutions to save our have peace…..just a thought..
Psalm 31
18 Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievous things proudly and contemptously against the righteous.
O how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for othem that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men!
22 For I said in my haste, I am cut off from before thine eyes, nevertheless thou heardest the voice of my suppli ations when I cried unto thee.
The Lord Jesus Christ is in the process right now of absolutely destroying the criminal bankers, the sissy AGs who are in complicity with the banks for their crimes, prosecutors for obstructing justices and concealing crimes, and regulators for concealing crimes and obstructing justice. It is coming to pass.
Amen, to that!!!!