Fisher & Shapiro Sued for Falsifying Affidavits in Support of Foreclosure

Today, my firm, in cooperation with Progressive Law Group, filed a class-action lawsuit against Fisher & Shapiro. The lawsuit is pending in the Federal District Court for the Nothern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.

Fisher & Shapiro is the law firm that previously admitted to falsifying affidavits to get foreclosure judgments. In Cook County, Illinois, alone, the firm has admitted to submitting false affidavits in 1,700 cases. The lawsuit, in essense, asks for damages under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act based on the firm having made false representations in an effort to collect a debt.

It was a struggle to identify a class-action Plaintiff. Many of the addresses affected have been abandoned by homeowners fearing they will be evicted or even illegally locked out of their home by the bank–as has happened to so many others.

In the end, our Plaintiff was known personally to an activist in the community working on housing issues. Her story is the same as any other, and I will not recount it here. We all know, by now, the ploys used by banks to take away the homes of working people.

You can check out the rest here…
