What a shame…

There are a few mentions of  “robo-signing” and “servicing defects” but no mention on the massive pernicious fraud perpetrated by Wall Street and the Institutions that took down the entire global economy…

No representation for the “borrowers” in this report. In fact, the “borrowers” are demonized…

How they perceive the “borrower” from the report…

Interthinx reports that property owners are fraudulently decreasing their income and property values to get their debt reduced for their loan modifications. They are fabricating hardships and filing false tax returns to this end. Also, individuals who first perpetrated fraud in loan origination are now attempting to defraud again during their loan modification.

Freddie Mac reports that 2010 loan modification fraud trends include strategic defaults, which are accompanied by false statements about income, assets, or the homeowner’s inability to pay. Loan modification perpetrators are misrepresenting occupancy and income (by stating it is lower), altering pay stubs, and seeking modifications without an actual financial hardship.

So much for the FBI…

Would be nice if they did a Foreclosure Fraud Report, but we all know that ain’t gonna happen…

Full report below…




FBI 2010 Mortgage Fraud Report Year in Review