Save the date and plan to attend a jam packed day ending with Inside Job movie night.
Working out the details and agenda over the next week. Please respond with suggestions & comments.
1. Have ALL petitions signed for the citizen representatives to get on the Florida state electoral ballots
3. present the 2 minute speech to the participants for the town hall meetings public comment sessions
4. Have speakers to educate on property record fraud, foreclosure fraud, and the judicial crisis in Florida.
5. Opportunity to network, form study and action groups, etc.
6. Show Inside Job in the evening
Event sponsored & planned by Sarasota Citizens & the Mortgage Justice Group
Stay tuned here for further details:
Send question and comments to
The new proposed bill limiting the time interval to 45 days between the foreclosure notice and the auction (Kimberly Miller, Palm Beach Post), is unfair to Snowbirds, local communities and Florida’s economy. Snowbirds live as far away as Canada, England, France, even Tel Aviv; it takes longer to reach them. The bill also states that auctions will no longer need to be publicized. This means that American and foreign retirees will consider other locales ahead of Florida. Older people are putting 20% down and working until 70 now, but vacationing in Florida. If they risk losing their house before they even know it’s up for auction, then a gated golf community in Costa Rica or Cancun will look like a safer investment. Florida’s economy will lose.