New York City Police Foundation — New York
JPMorgan Chase recently donated an unprecedented $4.6 million to the New York City Police Foundation. The gift was the largest in the history of the foundation and will enable the New York City Police Department to strengthen security in the Big Apple. The money will pay for 1,000 new patrol car laptops, as well as security monitoring software in the NYPD’s main data center.
New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly sent CEO and Chairman Jamie Dimon a note expressing “profound gratitude” for the company’s donation.
“These officers put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe,” Dimon said. “We’re incredibly proud to help them build this program and let them know how much we value their hard work.”
SOURCE: http://www.jpmorganchase.com/corporate/Home/article/ny-13.htm
What we need are Muslims to show us how to have an AMERICA Spring. What we need are freedom fighters who know how to block up all the traffic and strangle the movement of vehicles. What we need are AMERICANS who refuse to be victims of abuse by banks and big businesses. If Americans go back home and lay down it is our end. Police brutality shows these people are not American in heart. They are clones of those forces of Omar. Document who they are so they can be tried in courts after the AMERICAN SPRING has WON! I support OCCUPY because it will take breaking the law to stop BREAKING the law by the police, banks, and big businesses. Can someone help me understand why the police and break the law in beating people who are protesting non-violently? Where is MLK when we need him? Is there another MLK somewhere? Why is Jesse in hiding? Why is Al Sharpton in hiding? Come on here: why are they silent? Have them been paid off also? Where is our AMERICAN leader to help AMERICAN SPRING get better organized?
Margin Call- Opening later this month!! A Must see….
We are the sheeple! The banks clearly owns us. This country is becoming so corrupt its scary. Folks shoild not be occupying wall street they should be occupying Fannie and Freddie Mac also.
So even if Obama isn’t your main man. Is there an alternative on deck in the Republican ranks? Every last one of them vowed not tp raise taxes on billionaires. All have turned their backs on housing. They aren’t even discussing it in their debates. They will support the banks and settlement for the banks so fast you will wonder what hit, if any one of them is elected. They all want Social Security and Medicare cuts without touching the rich and filthy. Is there a one of them that wouldn’t have our lunch and dinner too? Do any of them have any sort of jobs plan? Hey, we can rant all we want and I support free speech, after all I am liberal. Everyone has rights. Still I can’t waste a lot of energy on the election right now. I am too busy trying to stay in my house and keep food on the table. My focus is on housing industry recovery, writing down principal, modifying loans and not having programs like Social Security,and Medicare benefits for which I’ve paid ripped out from under me so some fat banker who is paying off Congress members to sit on their can and collect their pay and healthcare while they do nothing.
My 2 cents.
No matter how many times we hear all the things these people have done and are doing to the ordinary folks, it is still hard to believe. That said, I have felt for a long while some really bad stuff is coming our way. I’m known for having good instinct but I hope in this case I’m wrong. Perhaps the devil is loose and is winning the fight. It is difficult to believe that those that have so much feel not the slightest twinge at adding to the downfall and suffering of the everyday folks…but that is a fact and that is how it is. There isn’t one politician that I would trust or for one minute believe would not join the corrupt majority. If they do cut senior benefits we might witness rioting seniors and witness our elder citizens being beaten and hauled off to jail if not murdered. It is a very sad time for our country but we need more rally support, myself included. We need to plan well detailed protests coordinated in different areas that we all can get to at the same time. We need more and more honest press reporting not comparisons with the teapartiers. They’re all just a bunch of selfish, self-centered, self-caring greed loving pigs.
Ron Paul, Folks don’t u get it. This man is totally about the constitution! Forget Obama who is a Republican dressed as a liberal. Forget the Republicans who love WallStreet and Banks and The FED!
RON PAUL! For a new America!
It was my understanding that Ron Paul supports no entitlement programs in his Libertarian views. If this is correct, he try to end Social Security and Medicare as government programs. This is not reality for a generation has become dependent and they have paid into these programs. Once we had employers that provided pensions. This is a thing of the past unless you work for the government.
Ron Paul would never have enough influence to work with Congress to destroy SS or Medicare but his presidency would be another dead in water effort similar to what Obama is dealing with now. It is open hostility resulting in paralysis of congressional action unless it is a means to an end to facilitate a party line. One man, president or not, can’t do everything.
If you reduce federal government to nothing more than a figurehead, it still must function. It is a question of whether We the people see that it functions correctly through our vote or whether we give it over to corporate control that will grease the gears using their influence to keep things going.
That is what the OCCUPY movement is about. People that are smart can already see that we have moved into an era where Corporate and banking wealth have bought out government and those in it. I don’t deny that Obama and the Democrats have the same problems as the Republicans. Ron Paul can’t be elected. He is in a world of his own and belongs to neither party really. Neither Democrats nor his fellow Republicans will work with him. His ideas on military and entitlements will never work.
I might also add that it now makes sense to me why his (Biden) son who is my state Attorney General has completely ignored my seven written communications to him with back up documentation with regards to Bank of America. Not so much as a courtesy reply from his office. However, I wrote a thank you email to the New York AG for his efforts in standing up to these rotten greed mongers, and I received a reply from him. Go figure.
All NWO members…Black is White, White is Black…is one of their weapons of deceit..terrorism is another…..Secret Society members from within have had all of us hoodwinked…
KATHERYN…..Now you know why you have been ignored…..it’s in the blood….a contaminated blood line.
Wow..I have never heard a word out of Biden’s mouth for the past three years and when he opened it I wish someone nearby could have placed duct tape over it. Of course, protesters….tea partiers…I see his logic; sure I can make the connection ??????????
The Chase donation is blood money — Earned off of the backs of the Jews back in the day and now off of the backs of the poor disenfranchised American Homeowner — Not to worry, the victory is already won for the People of God. God is our “defense, shield, and buckler against the wicked and cruel man” – Stay Strong and resist the evil one “Demon” Amen!
This is a great RANT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VL2313MRn1E but warning – explicit language
Katheryn – this is just how EVERY American feels! It’s just that most of them won’t video themselves on YouTube but he does make a good point on anger!
Bobbi – if the 99% don’t get really really angry and express it very loudly they just laugh at us. “oh the poor peons seem a little upset cause we raised gas prices again…oh maybe their upset because we are taking homeownership away from them in our well coordinated ponzi scheme..oh they won’t stay mad long because we raised the interest rate on their credit card again….hey we needed to bonus our big guys with some super vacations this month…oh well…what do they need health care for…only the fitest survice…oh who cares that they paid into social security and medicade all those years…sorry wall street needed the money…if you’re over 65 and get sick..well the world is overpopulated..soooo And it goes on and on and on. Everyone better get shouting and stark raving lunatic mad to let the 1% know that if it comes to life or death..the 99% will prevail should they decide to fight.
The second video starts with the cops swinging and hitting people with their batons. For me when showing these types of videos, it would be better to show a couple of minutes before all the chaos starts. What was the crowd doing, who was causing trouble the cops or protester, were their warnings given to the protesters or did the cops just start swinging and hitting for no reason. Believe me I am not protecting the police brutality that I believe is going on here, but for me these videos would have more effect if what was going on was shown prior to the whole incidents. Some of these cops are a hair away from insanity and if you give them one ounce of trouble they will start swinging and never even ask a question. They are looking for action and ready for action. I do believe that their are honest cops out there and want to do a good job, and probably hate that they have to be out in the street for the protest.
With all that said, does anyone know what went on before the cops started swinging?
SEE SAYS……..I read it is mostly done by the cops of higher rank….if a protester hollars something…they get arrested…now I am not for trouble at a protest…and I am not against the police….but … a protest is to voice your opinion…it does not call for whispering….notice there was no destruction being done…as in a riot….and the videos show the people gathered together and hollaring…and you will see some cop rush to them and start yanking them out of the crowd and handcuff them…..treatment of this sort leads to riots…maybe that is what the police want…remember…we do not know what orders they have been given….and with Chase given millions does not look good…what is Chases motive…..notice they did not give any money for food or supplies to the people on the street…so one can only believe it was money to cause harm…..Chase is NOT for the people…this we know…right? Maybe the money is to cover the ride to a FEMA Camp….one cannot trust anyone outside of our ‘ circle ‘ at this time…
I’ve had it with this guy!
Me too Rob! What he said today was the last straw for me..
Rob…I had it with him when he was campaigning….I DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM ….I saw his change….and didn’t like what I saw…I realize he walked into a pile of hell…BUT HE KNEW IT BEFORE HAND….He buffaloed the people with no experience….his strings showed as they were pulled.
“they put their lives on the line everyday…”
too bad they are doing the devil’s bidding.
like the protester’s sign said, “NYPD cops are one layoff away from joining #occupywallstreet.”
no wonder there were so many white shirts out busting heads and spraying kettled women w/ pepper spray.
they want face time on TV to show the evil jamie dimon that his money was well spent.
gosh. they even arrested a little girl wearing an animal ear hat.
way to go, big bad po po.
FURY….You said it right….NOTICE the ones doing the rough housing all are in WHITE SHIRTS….HIGHER RANKS…..others are standing back……come on….the videos prove it…..hollaring does not call for any arrest…IT’S A PROTEST….NOT A GUN FIGHT…..They are trying to start a riot….that is exactly how riots start…..The ‘ DEMONS MONEY ‘ PROVES THERE IS NO GOOD BEHIND IT ALL…TRUST ME…NO GOOD…THE EVEIL IS AT WORK………….
Ok ….. now I have to step in. Obama this and Obama that …. So if the New World Order is in charge (which they very well could be) then Obama can’t do a thing even if he really wanted to. Which by the way is what it really looks like. So Look Around ….. take a good look …. Who the FK could walk into the Presidency and do any better. It appears that Obama is at least trying …. yea I know …. it’s not even close to being enough. But look what he has to work with. Could you even imagine a Republican in office right now? If so who. I will vote for anyone who stands up for us “the little people, the working class” I don’t give a crap if is Democrat, Republican or Space Alien …… I want someone who can deliver and I want someone who talks well. So far Obama is not leaving so it will be Obama vs ….. Who? So with that said …. I will stand by the lesser of two evils for I have no choice …. I know he is not getting much help … He knows we are pushing ….. But it is the Congressman and Senators who need to be beaten with a Stick …… The president can sit and scream and yell but if the other two branches don’t do a thing for us … We are lost. The Republicans want to take away Social Security and health care, Unions and the rest …. the Democrats don’t have enough Money to do what they want to do and yet put Regulations on the Companies that are still trying to produce (even though they are Polluting everything) and while everyone is fighting this and that we have large Corporations not paying a dime in taxes. We have more people in Washington they is needed and not enough to oversight the wrong that is going on. We have FBI and Secrete and Federal Law Enforcement who obviously have their hands tied when it comes to Financial Crimes. But go ahead a steal a Snickers Bar off the shelf at the convience store and if caught you’ll be imediately arrested. ….. So tell me all ….. Unless we all are educated (not going to happen) in the ways of the New World Order or educated in the wrong doings of all of this (might happen) nothing will happen. So who am I to Vote for …. Please tell me ….. So far I will stick with Obama. This is the World as I see it.
Wayne, It is the hidden power structure….the people who fund their campaigns control the office of the President……look who Obama named as his VP running mate…..Do you know who Joe Biden is? Google it..it is also who the President appoints to key positions.TIM GEITHNER IS A MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS…google or you tube search COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS…Look into the Obama-Geithner connection to the Ford Foundation…….Those are the people who have hijacked America….There are also members in CONgress…Know your enemies……
Wayne,Obama is a member of the U.N… Google it…find out who his evil globalist minions and cohorts are that sit on the board of the Federal Reserve…….People trust too much and do not do their homework ….and believe everything the media tells them…Obama is a NWO setup man. WAKE UP..
Wayne, if you want to vote for 4 more years of this…than that is your choice of course..As for me I am sick of Obama’s idea of hope and change and Yes He Can…..!
I vent…..The problem still exists….People speak and make comments…but go by what is on the surface…the deepth of all this is deeper and ALL must wake up to the FACTS….the snake has a head and a tail….we see the tail but it is the head of the snake that we must destroy in order to solve EVERYTHING….. The road to Rome leads to this snake…start choping at the tail..such as abolish the Federal Reserve….Rome was not build in a day…and it will take many days to destroy…empires do fail…and governments do fail….our 2 party system has failed.. it is one as the same…just different animals to distract and confuse the people….it is part of a ploy to make conversation all while they are doing the dirty work behind closed doors. The blood in Washington DC needs new blood…..it has become contaminated….those running for the next election are from the old blood….WAKE UP AMERICA….ALL IS IN PLAIN SIGHT…..FOR THE PAST 30 YEARS OR SO THE SAME BLOOD HAS BEEN IN CONTROL…THIS CONTROL HAS BEEN AGAINST AMERICA..NOT FOR IT….WITHOUT THIS CHANGE..WE ARE DOOMED…WE ARE ONE STEP FROM THE FINAL TAKEOVER… AGAIN….WAKE UP AMERICA…..START LEARNING THE FACTS THAT ARE OUT TO DESTROY ALL OF US AND OUR COUNTRY….AND THE WORLD..
100% right Marilyn,,,,I just saw a report on RT that the police are beating the shit out protestors again today….WOW..who are these cops, robo-cops or just the sickos of the crop? They have no souls for the love of God..
Yep Marilyn… All you hear is “It’s Bush’s fault ..” “No it’s Obama’s fault” This crap has been over 30 years in the making. Right / Left.. Republican / Democrat… it truly does not matter which party is voted into office as they are both controlled by the Elites and the NWO and as you say they have been slowly at this takeover for 30 plus years and the more people bring up the Dumbocrat / Repugnant mantra the more it just play into THEIR hands….
I vent…These cops are the higher rank…WHITE SHIRTS….THE OTHERS STAND BACK…take the billy clubs and guns away and you will see chicken shit…especiall in a crowd of people. …I believe these cops WANT a riot to start….that may be Chases plan or plot to give the money to cover transporting to the FEMA camps…the start of holy hell…..this will turns bloody and the cops will see massive anger start….and they too will not be safe…..
President Fool comes out today and scolds his friends who pay for his election. What a joke! Dimon is one of the administrations heros. Corrupt, corrupt. corrupt!
STEVE…..CORRECTION…. You speak of ” Jamie DEMON “….. and YES…corruption is his middle name….his name has come to surface that he may be the next to replace ‘ Bernanke ” to head the Federal Reserve…..ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE…..cut the cord that feeds the corruption that we are fighting….it feeds Wall Street…it feeds Washington DC…..we must take control of our own money…..The Federal Reserve has taken our country down with their counterfeit money…..an act to deceive….
Do you suppose JP Morgan laughed all the way to the bank?
The taxpayers of this country need to realize the federal government is using
tax payer money to buy the rope used to hang the tax payers. When are
tax payers going to shrug like Atlas? When the productive of this country
finally realize the way to stop this is to stop working, stop spending any money,
stop going…in other words SHRUG.
if the cops were smart, why not ask chase why they allowed madoff to steal away their pensions? and i think jamie dimon and his little friends are getting nervous…God Bless Us All! btw on 10-4-11 wall street journal mentioned the handful of cases of banks forcing insurance and fraudclosing. that was me,gmac and balboa. will i get my house they auctioned off back? will freddie mac acknowledge the thefts yet?
I have to respectfully remind all who would run Obama out on a rail that the problem began on Bush’s watch. Paulsen was the one who yelled “Fire” in the theater and forced an immediate bailout, which was handed over to Obama and Company. Admittedly, the Democrats have not “fixed” things and Congress added money to the pot, not Obama, but Congress.
We MUST get our history correct.
The worse thing we can do is alter the past to favor our political position. Truth is the thing that makes one free, even when truth hurts! I pray the OCCUPY movement remains non-partisan because when it leans to either party, it will lose half its support, becoming an extension and tool for politicans. This is where the country is now, paralyzed by political affiliation. Support OCCUPY protestors against BANKS, these are the real criminals in the house! This is OUR cause and hope from the movement and protest.
I vent…It goes back 30 years or more…corruption reeked everywhere…but fast forward to Bush YES, Paulson hollared FIRE…and Paulson made some big time money while in that position….rotten from the core out. CONgress has been behind all this corruption….and many made big money while doing it…..the 2 party system is a front…just different animals….it is not one party or the other…it is the whole mass of CONgress…under one name…CONGRESS…..
Wow! When will all city police forces receive their donation? Is this donation money, the same money the banks took through MERS when they processed our loans,and never recorded it each time they securitized our notes?
Now we should contact the media and ask Chase how can they fund the NY police with the taxpayers dollars?
Wow, Jamie, where was your Co$ern when 9/11 hit….could’ve sure used H$lp then! I know, it’s just a cowinki dinkie about the donation timing…we are paranoid to even suggest it has to do with protests…you silly rabbits and I’m expecting the Queen any minute for tea!
KATHERYN….Google….JP Morgan Chase on 9/11….They knew what was going to happen…Chase gambled big and won big time on 9/11…….Remember…they have been a part of this plan before WW11….they know it all….
Katheryn…The Queen sits on her throne drinking her tea and crumpets….hiding behind the hugh wall of stone….talking on the phone to Saudi Arabia about the next plan…….maybe 3 way call with Rome………
Marilyn…here is an interesting article which kind of ties it all together… http://www.scribd.com/doc/63703029/911 if you haven’t seen it yet.
Katheryn….Good article….so true…..yet so sad that we even have such ruination to read and think about….life is so beautiful yet is so painful at times…..
Marilyn – Lately, it gets more and more difficult to find the beauty and that is truly sad!
The NYC police have a long, long history of being on the take, accepting bribes, etc. I suppose JP Morgan/Chase will throw a celebratory dinner for the baton-wielding cop. The wealthy 1% will do anything, no matter how illigal, how reprehensible, how outrageous, to preserve their wealth. Bribing the NYC police department is undoubtedly the least of their crimes against humanity.
“Donation???” Sounds to me like JP Morgan/Chase paid a bribe to the NY police. The corruption on Wall Street just keeps getting more blatant and more outrageous. Obama was quick to decry the violence against protestors in Syria and Iran, but says nothing about the police violence against the peaceful protestors on Wall Street. In fact, our government is smear the Occupied Wall Street protestors by using FOX NEWS
Correction: Our government is attempting to smear the Occupied Wall Street protestors by using FOX NEWS to denegrate the protestors as being nothing but dirty hippies and disaffected youth. FOX should change its name to PRAVDA, since it is obviously a state-controlled media outlet that touts the party line.
We should start calling NYPD The Pinkertons.
First question to Obama by the press in his press conference was about the Wall Street protestors…..The reporter said the people are frustrated with him and all of the politicians for letting Wall Street get away with the crime of the century and they were bailed out for it…Obama gave the WRONG ANSWER……He said that the problem is NOT the fact that there was no accountability for their crimes and they got rewarded for their criminal behavior…he said……..BAILING OUT THE WALL STREET CRIMINALS WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO….THE FINANCIAL SECTOR HAD TO BE SAVED OR THINGS WOULD HAVE BEEN ALOT WORSE….He went on to say that the problem is the banks are fighting regulation……by the Government….B…U…L…L….S…..H….I….T….!!!!!! THE AMERICAN PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE GOT THE BAILOUT MONEY…..PERIOD….Then we wouldn’t be here…Obama went on to say that until banks start lending again and start playing by the rules people will be angry and will continue to express their frustration with the system….Man, can that man dance..and sing….Obama is a member globalist with a NEW WORLD ORDER globalist agenda….WAKE UP AMERICA…!!!! There will be no hope and change under his administration, and like Michael Savage said, we will be lucky to live through his reign…
Democracy is dead under this NWO globalist tyranny, the Obama adminstration…!!! Throw them out America!
Vent………..The song and dance routine ain’t gonna’ work no more………people are on to him now…..
You are right Rob…people see right through the NWO globalist facade..We are heading for revolution…the writing is on the wall……The dirty bastards, the NWO order globalists have hijacked America and are driving the bus……They wear an american face, they are traitors…Time for the American people to hijack that bus and take our country back!!!!!!
The U.S Government is allowing the FEDERAL RESERVE to artificially recapitalize the banksters who are insolvent interest free…The FED is blowing up another bubble and when this one blows up, and it will…all hell is going to break loose around the globe…Stop paying, stop using the FDIC banks, credit and debit….Nationwide Tax Revolt…Stop feeding the ponzi scheme tyranny and it will die…Don’t sign any mortgage contracts of any kind…this debt is UNSUSTAINABLE…and it is going to blow…..!!!
We The People indivisibly, must stop conforming and cooperating…NOW!! Stop feeding the beast!
The FEDERAL RESERVE is insolvent for the love of God….They are driving America into bankruptcy….They print money faster than people can make it….WHERE IS OUR GOLD? The American people should demand to see their gold…..We The People DEMAND our own currency issued and backed by our Gold….!!
The Federal Reserve is deranged, they need a straight jacket, hospitalization, psych meds and then prison..
and so does Timothy Geithner….traitors to America and the American people, all of them..
I vent..Is this why Geithner was thinking of leaving a while back…wonder what changed his evil mind to stay? Where was he fleeing to ???? It was a sudden change…leave than stay….He was planning some move when he gained the title of ‘ TRAITOR ‘ maybe he was convienced that traitor meant good…..remember black is white…..It is all evil….and Obama is a waste of time listening to anything he say’s….he speaks with fork tongue….so did all the rest of the sicko’s who have spent time in Washington DC….enemmies to the American people…..each one has left a trail..not hard to follow. Now you know why they need protection after leaving office….
“These officers put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe,” Dimon said.
You mean keep YOU safe you thieving little arse…
rictic, the cops will wake up, they don’t pay them enough and they are losing everything too..
They will when the Ponzi collapses and there’s no money to pay their pensions, then they will wake up Vent…
sickening that my stolen house note is being used by the professed collector thieving JP @#* head CORP …my hard earned little money to keep a home until I prove them WRONG is being used in such an EVIL way to harm those that are fighting in ways of unprecedented fashion, so many of us so little of them…… the NYPD can be bought.. has and will be as seen here, the whole world needs to know this was a bought bunch of A$$es and will SOON if not ALREADY. Vengeance is “MINE” sayeth the LORD. These people need to go the the FED BUILDING NOW. Start at the top work down to the scummier ones but knock the big THUG out FIRST. Praying for your strength and tenacity young one, they and we have nothing to loose so FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT!!!
The NYPD is scared and you can see it everywhere in every vid. This is concerning, these young people are standing strong and peaceful, God’s Blessing and protection to ALL there
This is outrageous!!! Nothing more than a BRIBE to the NYPD for collusion to cut Occupy Wall Street. We all know the reasons behind this so-called donation. Notice the “security monitoring software” tidbit….cameras to watch us all….
Is this totally legal? A bank bailed out by the US Govt (taxpayers) funding a govt policing unit….isn’t there some sort of conflict here?
Thar’s called mobsters……….buying low end security…….paying for cops to act like thugs………JP Morgan proving to the world………that they….are the terrorisrs!……we must deal with……….for us peacefully…..for them? JP Morgan must all hang!