Florida Judges are meeting with bank lawyers to discuss how to work together to kick more Floridians out of their homes. Would these judges meet with regular everyday Florida families (the 99%) to help them use the courts to keep their homes? Guess who’s moderating this forum! Yes, Victor Tobin who was the CHIEF JUDGE of Broward Court until July 1st when he left abruptly to work for banks’ foreclosure law firm (Marshall Watson) one of the fraudclosure targets under investigation for foreclosure fraud & illegally kicking Floridians out of their homes.
Please join us on Oct 28th in Fort Lauderdale to protest this clear example of judicial bias and impropriety and corruption.
RSVP to michael@4closureFraud.org
Looking for a good turnout for this one so if you can be there, be there…
If we do not get enough participation we will call it off. So if you live in South Florida we expect to see you there.
The Details:
View From the Bench: Bankruptcy & Foreclosure
Friday, October 28, 2011
8:30 a.m. – Noon
Broward Center for the Performing Arts
Abdo New River Room
201 S.W. 5th Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312
Panel 1: The Current State of Foreclosures
Senior Judge Robert Carney, 15th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida
Judge Marina Garcia-Wood, 17th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida
Judge Michael L. Gates, 17th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida
Judge Robert W. Lee, 17th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida
Moderated by Victor Tobin, former Chief Judge of the 17th Judicial Circuit of Florida
now of the Law Firm of Marshall C. Watson
Panel 2: Foreclosure & Personal Bankruptcy
Judge Jack Tuter, 17th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida
Judge Ronald Dresnick, 11th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida
Awaiting Confirmation from two other circuit court judges
Moderated by William Heller, Akerman Senterfitt,
Shareholder – Chair, National Consumer Finance Litigation & Compliance Practice Group
Panel 3: Commercial Bankruptcy
Chief Judge Paul G. Hyman, U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Judge Erik P. Kimball, U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Judge John Olson, U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Judge Raymond B. Ray, U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Moderated by Thomas M. Messana, Messana P.A.
Early Registration Discount
DBR Subscribers $49; DBR non-subscribers $59
Event Organizer: Jordan A. Dresnick
4.0 General CLE Credits Pending Approval from The Florida Bar
For more information contact Joanne Beaudry at 305-347-6643 or jbeaudry@alm.com
Again, if interested in attending the protest, RSVP to michael@4closureFraud.org for details…
Please commit to attending.
I am intrested in transcripts from the sessions inside. If they become available please let everyone know.
P.S. Micro digital recorders are getting much better.
Time for a NATIONWIDE property tax revolt and mortgage revolt…That is the only way they will feel it…Without the mortgage money and the taxpayer dollars they can’t gamble, steal and keep the Ponzi Scheme going…Then they will turn on each other..
Then the Government will have no choice but to listen up to WE THE PEOPLE…
They could care less if we take our money out of their banks…the top 1% won’t…
Please watch the latest Keiser Report
this is idiotic glad my guys from the 5th district are not attending i hope. our property values are lowering by the minute we need to help on how to keep people in their homes. i can not beleive they are having a meeting like this. how demeaning for us. since i was current and wells fargo told me not to pay . then when i was in review for a hamp loan moved my file. told me to apply again (another 1k easy money for them ) them lost the fed ex package i sent. so i am over this entire scam thing going on.
Some of the Foreclosure Defense lawyers that I know are attending this conference to get a glimpse of what the other side is doing so that they are better prepared when appearing in their courtrooms.
…what a ridiculous, despotic, world we live in……especially, right here in sunny Florida!
The enemy of We the People=Banksters, The board of Directors (Owners) of the Federal Reserve System…..
Their (our enemy’s) Goons= OUR Government and the Bar…
If we would come to our senses we could see that the answer is so simple. OUR Constitution and a demand to return to Constitutional Common Law Jurisdiction in OUR courts. The criminals have taken over our Government through the subversion of OUR Constitutional Rights. They have made themselves the “gate-keepers” to OUR Grand Jury thus effectively blocking us from “due process of law” granted us by OUR Constitution. Take back OUR courts, Take back the enforcement arm of the law which is the key. IF THEY DON’T OWN OUR COURTS….THEY CAN NO LONGER GET AWAY WITH TREASON… And in case you didn’t notice folks…That’s exactly what we are witnessing all around us…..
“We Surrendered Nothing to Our Servant-Government”- Thomas Jefferson
We the People are the owners of all laws, with adjudicative authority…. We are “self-governing” per OUR Constitution. Why do you think there has been an attack upon OUR Constitution for as long as you can remember? Why do you suppose that the United States of America is the last Nation to maintain her Sovereignty? Why do you suppose the Banksters fear Sovereignty so much that they have their minions at the MSM try to create a negative association with the word?
We were given a Republic and a Constitution to protect it. We have allowed foreign agents to institute THEIR laws upon us with the implementation of THEIR Bar (Which is nothing more than a club). This was and still is Constitutionally UNLAWFUL.
Demand Common Law Jurisdiction in YOUR courts and then, Demand that they cite for you, from the Constitution (which all judges and Sheriffs’ swear an oath to “support, protect, defend”) where they find the authority to deny you Common Law Jurisdiction. I will state this again. We the People are the Owners of All Laws and possess the absolute adjudicative authority. The Constitution does not permit the taking of real or personal property from We the People EXCEPT through Eminent Domain.
For Heaven’s sake people…….. It doesn’t matter what their fraud is…it doesn’t matter what distraction they attempt to place before us… In a Constitutional Common Law Court (Which you have every right AND IN FACT A DUTY TO DEMAND) the criminals who have enslaved us are through……. Come together…Become Common Law Intervenors for each other, Demanding and Invoking Common Law Jurisdiction in each others cases. You must understand…the signature of any Sovereign American carrys with it more power than that of the President of the United States….. Crazy right????? Not if you can grasp a Common Law knowledge of OUR Constitution. I’ll try to get the thought juices flowing here….. Is the President a Public Servant? How can the Servant adjudicate over the Master? To put it another way.. If you throw your socks into the hamper, but one of them misses and falls to the floor and you fail to pick it up and place it in the hamper……. Does your house-keeper have the right or authority to fine you?
Read and Learn YOUR Constitution.(the one from before the lawyers began to subvert it) It is all you need to know………