“Allowing employees to participate in a company sponsored function such as this shows a disgusting lack of sensitivity. … Mocking others is a former of bullying that simply cannot be tolerated in our society.”


NY foreclosure firm: Sorry for mocking homeless

The news comes as foreclosures continue to create a drag on the American economy and protests have erupted around the nation to protest what activists say is rampant corporate greed and influence on government that maintains a crippling disparity between rich and poor.

“I again want to sincerely apologize for the inappropriate costumes worn by some of our employees at our Halloween Party in 2010. It was in extremely poor taste and I take full responsibility,” Steven J. Baum said in an emailed statement to The Associated Press on Wednesday. “I know people were extremely offended and people have every right to be upset with me and my firm.”

Baum later met with Dale Zuchlewski, executive director of the Homeless Alliance of Western New York, who had sent a letter demanding an apology and offering to educate employees on the plight of the homeless.

“Your firm and its employees profit at the misfortunes of others and are an active participant in making people homeless in the first place,” Zuchlewski wrote. “Allowing employees to participate in a company sponsored function such as this shows a disgusting lack of sensitivity. … Mocking others is a former of bullying that simply cannot be tolerated in our society.”

After the meeting, Zuchlewski said Baum reported that he didn’t know about the party at one of the firm’s offices, but that he took responsibility.

“He offered no excuses, apologized several times and has offered to have himself and his employees volunteer for homeless causes on a regular basis,” Zuchlewski said.

Full report here…

