BOMBSHELL! – Banks Not Authorized To Collect Fees in Cases!
I’ve been screaming for years now that corporations who are not registered to do business in a state cannot proceed until the register and are authorized. Now there may be a limited exemption/preemption for National Associations, but I have yet to entirely lose that argument.
Google “Compendium of Capacity Cases”, the argument stands for the simple proposition that before a foreign corporation invokes the jurisdiction of a state’s court, it must simply register with the Division of Corporations. It’s like forcing cars from other states or forcing federal agencies to have license plates on their cars….they may be exempt from each state’s unique requirements but we are entitled to know who is driving on the roads.
Our states and especially our state courts have forgotten that they serve the citizens of the state and that as a condition of becoming attorneys and judges, they took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the State. But all across this country, the national banks have bullied their way into our courtrooms and into our land records but ignored the very basic requirements of corporate law.
This has a limited scope on one state’s bankruptcy proceedings, but the analysis must be expanded to foreclosures and bankruptcy all across the country….
Check out the rest with the courts opinion here…
Rob McKenna A G of Washington State went further, click on to Washington State V. RECONTRUST filed by A. G. Rob McKenna. He filed a complaint against RECONTRUST and should be filing against MERS, Fidelity National Title and Deutsche Bank and probably most of them, because non of the foreclosures I have checked are in compliance with WA law and Rob McKenna is motioning for RECONTRUST to be forever banned from the state of Wash because of their illegal foreclosure practices. The rest of them should have the same complaint filed. He promised to file against all the big banks, but now I see he is part of the 47 percent of AG trying to make a ridiculous settlement with the banks. It trully disappoints me. McKenna is asking for all the foreclosures to be void and the homes given back to the homeowners. Not just the fees.
tell that to the judges. thankyou for the info
Is Matt referring to “Notice of Filing Non-Resident Cost Bond”? With no actual Bond attached – just the $100 filing fee?