I could not help but share this with everyone.
No matter what you think of Mike Tyson, or Herman Cain, Republicans, or Democrats, you have to find these clips below hilarious.
From Adweek…
Mike Tyson Back as Herman Cain in Second Classic Parody ‘Imagine there’s no pizza’
All right-minded Americans can surely agree that ex-heavyweight boxing champion and convicted felon Mike Tyson and former Godfather’s Pizza CEO and Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain are both crazier than shithouse rats. Their shared insanity and a laugh-out-loud script fueled Iron Mike’s awesome debut last week as Cain. The fact that the latter is fending off allegations of sexual harassment while Tyson did time in the ’90s on a rape conviction gives the satire extra bite. (Funny or Die claims Tyson was cast before Cain’s problems surfaced. How lucky was that? For Cain, not very.) The “shithouse rat” line—Tyson/Cain’s explanation for his surge in the polls—is just one choice soundbite. His promise to take a tough stance on immigration by changing “Taco Tuesday” to “Pizza Pthursday” also scores, as does his pledge to “wear a flag pin the size of a fat baby’s head” and offer to “show off the cool handshake me and Jesus have been working on for when he comes back to Earth.” The finale, with Tyson’s scary/crazy smiley face in closeup and the name “CAIN!” reverberating manically on the soundtrack, defines description.
LMAO!!! Mike Tyson is a trip in this video. Golly gee, he (Mike) must really dislike CAIN!
You gotta luv it! Where did Mike’s tattoo go? Make-up? Tyson came to Memphis for training and a bout. He stayed in a newly constructed (vacant) for sale mansion, actually one I appraised, because a local man bought the house ( he said) because Tyson ‘slept’ there while here. He was a fan I guess. That is Memphis. .
I too was puzzled at the local tea party embracing Cain. Then got to thinking, like the Pizza song, that the TP hates liberals and a black liberal President has to be a worst case scenario so believing only another black can defeat Obama, maybe they embraced a black Republican, despite the fact he isn’t really all that conservative, he is a Corporate lackey lobbyist.. But the black community, who can spot a shill a mile off, isn’t buying it one little bit, as Tyson demonstrates so well. .