Marshall C. Watson Public Records Request on Possible Violations of AVC Settlement
Pursuant to Florida’s public records Statute Chapter 119, I am requesting
1) any and all correspondence, letters and emails (including attachments) exchanged between Florida Attorney General employees Richard Lawson and Robert Julian regarding the foreclosure mill, The Law Office of Marshall C Watson. The time frame for this request covers the period from September 13, 2011 through November 23, 2011.
2) any and all correspondence, letters and emails (including attachments) exchanged between Florida Attorney General employee Richard Lawson and any employee/principal of or law firm representing the foreclosure mill, The Law Office of Marshall C Watson. The time frame for this request covers the period from September 13, 2011 through November 23, 2011.
3) any and all correspondence, letters and emails (including attachments) exchanged between Florida Attorney General employee Robert Julian and any employee/principal of or law firm representing the foreclosure mill, The Law Office of Marshall C Watson. The time frame for this request covers the period from September 13, 2011 through November 23, 2011.
Please provide this information on CD-ROM or by email in .pdf format. Where electronic records can not be provided, please provide records in paper format.
If you refuse to provide this information, Chapter 119 requires you advise me in writing and indicate the applicable exemption to the Public Records Act. Also, please state with particularity the reasons for your decision, as required by Section 119.07(2)(a). If the exemption you are claiming only applies to a portion of the records, please delete that portion and provide photocopies of the remainder of the records, according to Section 119.07(2)(a).
I agree to pay the actual cost of duplication as defined in Section 119.07(1)(a). However, if you anticipate that in order to satisfy this request, “extensive use” of information technology resources or extensive clerical or supervisory assistance as defined in Section 119.07(1)(b) will be required, or if the total fee exceeds $50 dollars, please provide a written estimate and justification.
Thank you very much for your time and attention to this request.
Lisa Epstein
Please Watch! Its an older video, but its a good one. Ron Paul Revolution 2012!
I am glad to see more pushing for justice ………..Kudos
He is my friend, his fraud has done wonders for many people.
Mario: He is my friend…..???????? this is a joke, right?
Watson continues to use the same old tricks in my case which will be three years in January.
FINALLLY….I hope you close them down!! Good work as always!