This video explains causal links between OTC derivatives, the financial crisis of 2008, Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, Jon Corzine and MF Global.
This video explains causal links between OTC derivatives, the financial crisis of 2008, Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, Jon Corzine and MF Global.
our government has lost all integrity along with the banksters! vote all of the good ol boys out of office.
The average american can not afford to buy gold, and that is part of the Hitler Plan…..time for the States to file bankruptcy and secede from this tyranny…We need State run banks and U.S. BANK NOTES..backed by a Gold Standard..The Politicians are completely corrupt and useless and will do nothing for the people..they all plan on getting rich off of the demise of America. Go and check out Ellen Brown’s Web of Debt website…
Well, sure. That would release us all from the harms caused by currency speculation because, after all, nobody has ever speculated in precious metals.
Here is where one can find the better explaination of the link between these and other Global Financial Criminals;read=17749