Dirty Dozen Honorable Mention: Victor Tobin, Foreclosure Judge Turned Forecloser
We put out the call for people we missed in our roundup of 2011’s most devilish people, and were informed of one overlooked former judge who certainly qualifies.
With all the foreclosures and mortgage-related tragedies that have occurred since the collapse of the collateralized-debt market, it’s easy to find people who had a hand in kicking families out of their homes.
But Tobin, as Broward’s chief judge, instituted rules that made it harder to fight foreclosures and implemented a “rocket docket” style system, which favors the big banks by expediting judgments in their favor.
Suspicions of his bias were confirmed, for many, when he announced in May that he was leaving the chief judge post in favor of a position with the foreclosure law firm Marshall C. Watson.
From: Judge Tobin/17THCircuit
Date: May 17, 2011 5:57:22 PM
Cc: Carol L OrtmanLate this afternoon, I notified Governor Scott that I would be resigning as a Circuit Judge effective June 30, 2011. Effective July 1, 2011, I will return to private practice with the Law Offices of Marshall C. Watson. I wish to express my sincere thanks to each judge for permitting me the honor of being your Chief Judge during the last four years. I appreciate the confidence you placed in me.
Vic Tobin
Now he would stand to benefit from the rules he helped create, working for one of the state’s largest and most criticized “foreclosure mills.”
He told New Times Editor Eric Barton that he took the post to help make sure the firm was trying its cases ethically, according to best practices. But critics point to numerous signs that he had always been biased toward the foreclosure lawyers, including letting them sit at the front of the courtroom and allegedly telling one homeowner, “Sorry, you’re not paying your mortgage. What do you want from me?
Rest here…
Victor Tobin Letter to Gov Scott
How in the world can an ex chief judge go work for a law firm was, is under investigation for fraudclosure?
Our country is owned by the banksters. Fight back! Push back! Ron Paul Revolution 2012
While I hope he has suffered fear and anxiety as a result of his conduct and that for the rest of his life he feels he has to watch over his shoulder I will take some comfort in knowing there is a special place being prepared for him in Hell.
We need new words to describe people like this, for instance scumbag is by far insufficient, dirt-bag is not close by far, but he should be in the nasty jails of the judicial system for some enough time.
I know for a fact he will never be truly happy in his personal life after he comes to term with the ills he has caused to be perpetrated on so many people, for no reason at all.
However my personal meaning of happiness is [ mine ] own only.
this scumbag should not ever be allowed to feel comfortable to walk in anyones neighborhood
I went to high school with this dirt bag at Jesuit Dallas. He was a dirtbag then and still is.
all forteclosures he officated should be considered null and void. conflict of intrest.