Part 1 Jamie Dimon: We Need to End ‘Too Big to…

JP Morgan Chase Continues PR Blitz

I was watching the FOX Business channel, and who did I see again–Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JP Morgan Chase. Charlie Gasparino had what he called a “no holds barred” interview with Dimon. I watched two long segments of the interview, and once again, it appeared like a PR story for the bank. In one of the segments, Gasparino said that Dimon, “. . . took every question I threw at him . . . I think he sees himself as a spokesman for the industry.” It was too bad Gasparino was throwing softballs.

Part 2 and 3 below…


Part 2 Dimon: Some Regulations are…

Part 3 Dimon on Obama, OWS, and the Election
