Suits challenge way foreclosures are performed in Missouri
John Kevin Kennedy was an engineer at Anheuser Busch for 30 years. Then came the sale to InBev, and the big downsizing at the brewery left Kennedy out on the street along with much of his department.
With no job, he asked his mortgage lender for a lower payment on his home in Barnhart.
What happened next set in motion a lawsuit challenging the way foreclosures are done in Missouri. By raising questions about which lender actually owns the mortgages, the suit claims certain foreclosures weren’t properly done and it asks the courts to give “hundreds, even thousands” of Missourians their foreclosed homes back.
Kennedy’s is part of a broader legal movement nationwide challenging the foreclosure process, which debtors say is slanted against them.
“We’ll put an end to this,” vowed lawyer Stanley Wallach of the Wallach Law Firm in Creve Coeur. “The capes-and-crusaders mode . . . is to put this back on a level playing field.
Kennedy says Bank of America agreed to reduce his mortgage payment to $624 from $823, and that he made the lower payments through 2009 and 2010. Such modifications are often done on a trial basis pending a permanent decision.
So, he was shocked when the sheriff arrived with a notice that the bank was starting the foreclosure process.
Check out the rest here…
The St Louis Post dispatch has blacked out the rest of this article online.
Abolish the Federal Reserve….! Restore the U.S. CONSTITUTION to its Original Form..! Issue U.S. BANK NOTES..backed by natural resource revenues! Ban electronic voting! Count paper ballot votes publicly..! If the Mayor of a City like Chicago is also in your Cook County….the ENTIRE COUNTY SHOULD VOTE FOR THE MAYOR ..NOT JUST WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS…Cook County Illinois has the highest tax rate in the country..and those orders come right from the Mayor of the City of Chicago..our property taxes are at least double what they should be….maybe more… Ex-Mayor Daley said there is going to be a $155 billion dollar tax increase by the year 2015…to replace all of the missing policeman’s and fireman’s stolen pension money….!’ WTF..!!!! THE RESIDENTS OF COOK COUNTY DID NOT STEAL IT!!!! RIGHT NOW THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF CORPSES….THAT HAVE BEEN LAYING IN THE COOK COUNTY MORGUE FOR OVER A YEAR..NEVER CLAIMED…NEVER BURIED!!!! ROTTING AND DECAYING….! ALL BECA– USE SOME REALLY CROOKED POLITICIANS AND THE FEDERAL RESERVE PERPS…THE BANKS AND WALL STREET ROBBED THIS COUNTRY BLIND…! THE WHOLE ECONOMY IS LIKE A ROTTING CORPSE…! THROW THE CROOKS IN PRISON FOR LIFE!!!!
Ivent, didn’t you know? Back in 1999 Chicago borrowed almost 2 billion dollars and was supposed to pay off the Wells Fargo loan by 2009 – it defaulted, and had to refinance the loan by borrowing MORE – Wells Fargo OWNS Chicago, the biggest financial corporation in Illinois – Obama’s run for pres wasn’t simply by chance – Emanuels (illegal?) victory wasn’t by chance. Wells Fargo needed it ducks all in a row to pull off the biggest fraud against homeowners here in Illinois and can get away with it because Chicago owes money….we in Chicago are testing grounds for the rest of the country, mark my words.
Simon…those corruot bastards! No wonder Senator Dick Durbin said frankly the banks own the place…its not called Crook County for nothing!….and ever since the Commissar came to town…the word is mum….at the recorders office…and the b.s. at the Daley Center Court house is so deep you need a shovel! The stories I could tell about Cook County Chancery Court! ..the bank attorneys should be wearing a robe too! Did you hear.?.Occupy protestors want to flood the streets for the G-8 summit in April and shut the city down..!!! The shit is about to hit the fan!!! The effing State is Bankrupt…the crooked politicians cleaned the place out!
Simon…that doesnt explain where did the $155 billion in policeman’s and fireman’s pension $$$ go?..
I filed a complaint with the Cook County recorders office mortgage fraud division over a month ago…no far..! Believe it or not, there was not another soul there filing a complaint.!.Even the recorders office..there is never anyone there …a few people…I find that disturbing..!
Oops..I meant to say..those corrupt bastards!..
It seems to me that every state that utilizes the non-judicial system for foreclosures should have an emergency ban placed on them – effective immediately. It floors me that based upon all of the prevalent fraud that they can even be allowed to carry on (heck, judicial ones aren’t much better – so let’s not give those fraudsters an even easier route).
Do you honestly believe state representatives or senators care anything about what’s happened to the little people? We have the best government that money can buy. The banks, lobbyists and their lawyers are loving it.
If you live in a non judicial state you were screwed right off the get go.So much for the small talk.How will they makeit right for the millions of people who have already been through this crisis?I guess were like yeasterdays laundry hung out to dry.What a joke!!
in missouri it’s essentially a kangaroo court without 14th amendment due process. anyone who’s been through it knows the legal process is a joke in Missouri. Very backward state.
I couldn’t agree more! Two concepts in Missouri courts. 1.) The government is always right! Guilt is always presumed and assumed. 2.)Big banks and corps are always right!
Screw the little guy.
Every state needs to see law firms step up to the plate and stop this blatant disregard for the law. Everyday I wake up, that is if I can even fall asleep, wondering if I really still live in the US? Every day is spent trying to defend myself against the legal pit bulls sent by BoA/BAC while they continue to get away with their white collar crime, grab their bonuses and smile in the face of “unjustice”.
Same story experienced by myself. No one could tell me who owned my mortgage and by the time it all occurred I was broke. Couldn’t afford a lawyer to fight it. Good luck on the lawsuit. I hope it is successful.
Long overdue! Some of the biggest offenders will be found in Kansas City.
I lost my house over 3 years ago in a Jasper County court action where the mortgage firm had no legal standing to bring suit, and I made good arguments to that effect, only to be shot down. Only one judge had ever heard of the Ohio cases and I never had a chance to have the case argued on the merits. I can provide further details to any law firm who is interested in trying to have my original action overturned, based on it being a void judgment. Mortgage service granted summary judgment despite my question of jurisdiction.
MoBarbq…I’m in the same situation…Im in St. Louis, MO…two cases in which I empahtically raised the standing issue…the Judge ignored everyting…Im in appeals right now…give me a shout if you want to compare and look for answers…