Teach-In on Foreclosure Fraud Part I

Thousands of homeowners throughout Palm Beach County, and many more throughout the country, are being foreclosed on, even evicted, often through the greed and fraud of the big banks, law firms and mortgage companies that crashed our nation’s economy in 2008…but the 99% are fighting back. In the second of our series of teach-ins on foreclosure fraud, attorney and foreclosure fraud activist Lynn Szymoniak explains how, and shows us ways to get involved in direct actions to oppose the destructive 1%.


Foreclosure Fraud Part II

Lynn Szymoniak talks about the role of mortgage-backed securities in the inflation and collapse of the housing bubble.


Foreclosure Fraud Part III

Lynn discusses the massive transfer of property to the banks using fraudulent documents.


Foreclosure Fraud Part IV

Lynn Szymoniak talks about the massive transfer of property to banks in Palm Beach County through fraudulent documents.


Foreclosure Fraud Part V

More information about how banks harm society through fraudulent practices and what we can do to fight back.

