Mortgage Justice group to protest bill that would make Florida a non-judicial state
The Mortgage Justice Group, a Sarasota organization whose purpose is to help people in foreclosure, is heading to Tallahassee to participate in a Feb. 16 Foreclosure Awareness Day Rally.
The rally is to bring awareness about illegal foreclosures and to stop the Florida legislature from making Florida a non-judicial state, thus denying citizens “due process” in court.
Several Florida legislature bills, including HB 213 and the amended PCB, sponsored by Kathleen Passidomo backed by The Bankers Association, are attempting to make Florida a non-judicial state which would preclude homeowners from defending a foreclosure in order to “fast track” the foreclosure process, denying Floridians their day in court.
Free buses, traveling up both coasts of Florida, will pick up participants along the way to the capital. Rep. Scott Randolph, Rep. Darren Soto, attorney activist Matt Weidner, citizen activist Lisa Epstein and other nationally known speakers will be presenting new vital information about the foreclosure situation. Participants will be meeting with members of the legislature to express their objections to the bills.
Rest from the Herald Tribune here…
Copy of the flyer below…
3rd Annual Rally in Tally National Foreclosure Awareness Day February 16, 2012
The idea to initiate actions is a good one. Since this ‘bill’ “provides legislative intent”, is it possible that the intent is contrary to rights guaranteed federally>?
Did I just hear Ashley Banfield of CNN,right? She said Romney said we should let the foreclosures fail and save the poor????? WOW…!!! WONDER WHAT BROUGHT THAT ON???? Sounds to good to be true… I would have to VERIFY THAT BY GETTING THAT PLEDGE IN WRITING.SIGNED IN STONE!!! Then I would believe it…I think??? LOL!
Seeing is believing with these politicians…!
It’s called say anything to claim the address of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Make them sign contracts! They must fullfill certain promises of that legal contract in allowed time or they must resign…!
If this bill passes, everyone in foreclosure should start to sue their lenders violations of contract, fraud, etc. Check with an attorney, there are legal remedies. We should also add these representatives as defendants, if the Act passes.
Maybe the people should just stop paying for all of the fraud! Statewide mortgage default would likely catch on and go nationwide….! Then what are they going to do about fraudclosures…?? An attorney told me a while ago …..The more people who go into foreclosure means there are actually less people in foreclosure….when half of the country is in foreclosure….that will mean NO ONE IS IN FORECLOSURE…
Indivisible we can bring liberty and justice for all…..Indivisible we can do anything! THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V THE BANKSTERS, ALL OF THEIR COHORTS AND MINIONS…