Some Additional Foreclosure Fraud Settlement Details Released

What is being called the “National Mortgage Settlement” is out, with a shiny new website featuring a happy couple being ripped off by their servicers. The monetary value breaks down as follows:

$750 million in a payment to the federal government;
$4.5 billion in direct payments to the states, of which $1.5 billion will go to those $2,000 checks to borrowers, and $2.75 billion to state foreclosure prevention services like legal aid, mandatory mediation and other programs. So the hard money comes to $5.25 billion.
$20 billion in “direct consumer relief”; $3 billion to help current underwater borrowers refinance, and $17 billion in “credits” for principal reductions. HUD estimates that the dollar value of this will come to $32.3 billion in the end, as we’ve discussed. HUD Secretary Donovan has alternately said that a “substantial” amount of this money will come from MBS investor loans, and also that the large majority would come out of bank-owned loans. Also second liens have to be reduced along with firsts at least pari passu (on equal terms).

In addition, officials are touting the nationwide servicing standards that will be ushered in with this deal. Left out of this is the fact that the CFPB now has control over the servicing market, and can regulate national standards all by themselves. In a shell press release drafted for state AGs to fill in the blanks, they tout the servicing piece:

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