Group protesting foreclosure bill:
ORLANDO, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) – Foreclosures appear to be picking up. The listing firm RealtyTrac says foreclosures rose from December to January, but they were down last month compared to a year earlier. And in some states the foreclosure rate has jumped over the past year — up 75 percent in Massachusetts and 62 percent in New Hampshire.
A group of Florida homeowners says that legislation under consideration in Tallahassee would make it easier and faster for banks to foreclose. On Thursday, about forty of these homeowners boarded a bus in Miami which bound for Tallahassee. They made a stop in Orlando to protest the passage of HB 213, known as “The Fair Foreclosure Act” which is sponsored by Rep. Kathleen Passidomo, R-Naples. The bill’s proponents tout that it will reform the foreclosure process and stimulate the housing market’s recovery.
Among the passengers was Lisa Epstein, a nurse and activist who started the website – which has helped hundreds of thousands of homeowners all over the country.
Placing the burden of proof on the homeowners instead of the entity bringing the foreclosure case sounds to me like a major change! It’s true that the banks still won’t have the documents, so it’s possible many cases will be quickly dismissed.
Everyone I’ve discussed this with thinks it’s the camel’s head in the tent known as “the non-judicial foreclosure process” and for that reason alone, must be challenged , if and when it’s signed into law. And funds must be raised to defeat those who voted for it.
As much as I hate the banks, I personally don’t see any difference between the bill being proposed by corrupt legislators and the current judicial system now. Either way, consumers continue to be denied due process, discovery, and hearings. However, to be fair to the banks in their proposed legislation, the legislation would actually provoke consumers to not be so lazy and finally get off their butts BEFORE foreclosure to file a restraining order, and then causing them to be plaintiff, which could slightly help the consumers.
Either way, the banks can’t get anything to work properly. It is still unfair in the courts no matter how you look at it. We need to put our time into testifying before Grand Juries to indict the criminal banksters and put a stop to all the fraud.
Good job guys! There are plenty of us (at home) rooting for ya!!! Glad to see that at least FOXnews picked up the traveling protest!!!