I’m not particularly a religions person, spiritual maybe, but I do find this submission very interesting so I though I would share…



The Spiritual Side of Wrongful Foreclosure: “A Message of Hope to Homeowners”

By: J. Allen Zow, Sr.

“Midnight hour—tears streaming down your face, friends have left you all alone, you get worried in the midnight hour…Have you ever been in the Midnight hour?”1
Wrongful Foreclosure is like living in the midnight hour—from the unlawful notice of foreclosure to the potential court ordered eviction. While there are millions of families facing the bitter reality of wrongful foreclosure, it is not just a physical, emotional and financial ordeal but also a spiritual battle. Satan is a spiritual being who, among other things, is described as a “thief”. (John 10:10) In order to carry out his job description he must use human beings willing, ready and able to do his bidding. At the very core of every wrongful foreclosure are three spiritual satanic goals—to steal, kill and destroy. Steal your home, kill your land ownership rights and destroy your family and shelter.

However, for those of you who recognize the annual celebration of the resurrection of Jesus [Yeshua] Christ, you have HOPE and VICTORY! Jesus said, “I came that they [that’s you] might have life, and that they might have it abundantly. (John 10:10) Don’t you dare celebrate on Sunday unless you promise yourself to never give up and not yield to the ‘deadly emotions’2 associated with foreclosure. Why shouldn’t you give up? Simple– because Jesus died and was resurrected such that you might have evidence of hope through faith. The competent evidence of Jesus resurrection is more reliable and verifiable than any fact you will ever know or believe. Otherwise, you would not have billions of people celebrating his resurrection (not the easter bunny and eggs) annually all over the world (Christians, Catholics, Messianic Jews, etc.). The integrity of God’s word is perfect, holy, pure, sovereign and immutable in all respects.

The purpose of this article is to focus you on the spiritual side of this devastating season of your life and to encourage you to resist the feelings of fear and panic. I used the term “season” because all seasons (winter, spring, summer and fall) change at some designated point. You must hold on and not give up as you wait for a better season to come.

You can check out this submission in its entirety below…

Happy Easter!




The Spiritual Side of Wrongful Foreclosure