Ask Paul Kiel Your Questions on the Foreclosure Crisis

ProPublica, April 10, 2012

Answers to homeowners’ questions about the Independent Foreclosure Review.The administration’s website for the foreclosure prevention program. Provides an FAQ, homeowner examples, and other tools to see whether you might qualify for the program.A list of HUD-approved housing counseling agencies nationwide.Tips for homeowners from the Federal Trade Commission.These rules lay out how mortgage servicers are supposed to conduct the program.A finance and economics blog that provides news and metrics on the state of the housing market.

Reporter Paul Kiel will be taking readers’ questions on the foreclosure crisis in a Reddit chat tomorrow, April 11, starting at 3 p.m.

Paul has been reporting on foreclosures for the past three years. He won the 2011 Scripps Howard Award for his work, and his e-book, “The Great American Foreclosure Story,” came out today. It ties all the elements of the foreclosure crisis into one compelling narrative. We highly suggest you read it.

Prior to ProPublica, Paul covered congressional corruption and the Justice Department at TPMMuckraker.

You can ask him almost anything about the foreclosure crisis and investigative reporting. (What’s the best way to get a mortgage modification? How did the government’s decisions affect the foreclosure crisis? To what extent are irresponsible borrowers responsible for the crisis? What’s it like to report on such a massive, nationwide problem?)

To join the chat, just head to the Reddit IAmA homepage at 3 p.m. You can read the whole chat without an account, but to participate, you’ll have to register via the link in the upper right hand corner. If you like, you can start leaving questions in the comments below, and we’ll transfer them to the chat.
