Supes Unanimously Pass Resolution Calling Banks To Stop Foreclosures

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a resolution Tuesday calling on banks to halt foreclosure activities.

Supervisor John Avalos introduced the resolution last month calling for a moratorium on home foreclosures and related evictions and auctions.

“The foreclosure crisis has already devastated so many lives,” Avalos said in a statement issued after the resolution’s victory. “This resolution is an important step to support solutions to prevent millions of Americans from losing their homes.”

The resolution aims to protect homeowners from unlawful foreclosures until state and federal protections are developed.

According to an audit commissioned by San Francisco Assessor-Recorder Phil Ting (NOT SHARON BOCK) on nearly 400 San Francisco foreclosures over the past three years, 84 percent of those forecloses were incorrect or illegal.

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