Your Government Has Failed You…Our Nation’s Youth Sold Into Slavery

I have been focusing lately on several elements of the Bill of Rights, highlighting several that are very important in this day and age. What we would all be seeing and experiencing, were it not for a media that is utterly corrupt and captive of the government itself and if whistleblowers were not persecuted, is a daily documentation of the ways in which the individual has been sacrificed so that corporations could fund every larger incursions into personal liberties.

At every level, the government and corporations have conspired to steal from us and enslave us. Take the looming student loan crisis for example. Our nation’s best and brightest now owe more than $1 trillion in student loans. There has been more than a 700% increase in student loans and the cost of higher education. Professors are not being paid more. Math has not changed and the education has not improved 700%. What did change is private corporations financed education using the full faith and credit of the United States government.

They diverted and pocketed obscene amounts of money. Not unlike Governor Rick Scott did with health care, taking money from sick old people to line his own pockets. Not unlike all the banks did, lining their pockets with billions of taxpayer dollars, while the people suffer. How can people like Rick Scott publicly claim to be about small government when the majority of his ill-gotten fortune was pillaged from the public purse?

How can the banks pocket billions of dollars to write loans they know will go bad, then submit still billions more in insurance claims to the federal government and moonwalk away from the crime scene by “paying” their puny penalties using money stolen from private parties that had invested in them, because this taking was determined by the federal government and their counterparts at the state level, to be, “in the public interest”?

The propaganda ministers from the public and private sector work in concert to produce and perform masterful symphonies of misinformation that is greeted with enthusiastic cheers by the medicated public. Joesef Goebbels would marvel at the highest expression of his craft, coming to us all in surround sound, 128 bit color, streamed live, tweeted, broadcast….every medium an entire section in the symphony. While Goebbels had pamphleteers and staged events, our ministers deliver their messages in 24-hour streams, hitting us from every direction at once.

Orwellian, Fantasmagorphic, Kafka-esque, Mein Kampf.

It’s not that we weren’t warned. Those old white guys warned us that this machine they created would be turned against us. In some otherworldly convention hall, I can only imagine that Madison and Jefferson and Franklin are all standing around their light table staring down at us and screaming,




I love all this discourse about the foundations of this nation. A study of history shows just exactly how far of course we have gone. And now I will share a passage which will surely bump me up several slots in my Domestic Belligerents ranking. A reader submitted the comments below which I cut and paste in their entirety. Now, this is precisely the kind of talk which will surely get this guy and me scooped up in the first rounds of NDAA Enforcement Actions, notwithstanding the fact that this precise kind of talk is exactly what the old white guys sought to protect….

Be sure to check out the rest here…
