Bankers Are Still Wrecking Housing Market Fundamentals

Regardless of the recent bullish stories on the housing market (examples here, here, here and here), housing market fundamentals are lousy. Demand in the last decade was wildly distorted by banker abandonment of underwriting and appraisals. Now bankers are worsening the crash they created. As a result, prices will just keep falling, and foreclosures cannot lead to clearing the market (regardless of what some say). Foreclosures can only make the problems worse.

Market Distortion From Excess Demand in Bubble Years

As a first step to seeing the problems, let’s get real about how profoundly market-distorting that lender-inflated bubble was. People who could not afford to buy homes, period, were nonetheless given loans, artificially expanding the number of people expressing demand. In addition, people who could have afforded a house, if not the house they purchased, expressed their natural demand in the ‘wrong’ segment of the market. Both distortions combined to spike prices far higher than natural demand would have driven them.

To see the price spike, consider the median and average home prices, nationally, in 1976, 1986, 1996, and 2006, using August values in each year, in constant 2006 dollars:

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