BofA’s Protection Detail
To protect Bank of America from inconvenience, Charlotte, North Carolina has directed its police officers to harass and arrest protesters. Unconstitutionally, in my opinion.
Charlotte Sides With Bank of America Over People
Charlotte has imposed special rules on a 2 block by 2 block square for 12 hours on Wednesday (May 9) to protect the Bank of America annual shareholder meeting from disruption by protesters. The rules apply to any “Extraordinary Event”, and were adopted nominally for the coming Democratic National Convention and city celebrations such as July 4. While the rules are poorly drafted and I believe facially unconstitutional regardless, imposing them for the BofA meeting seems overwhelmingly so. Extra restrictions for the July 4th celebration in the name of public safety is one thing; it’s an outdoor, public event hosted by the city for the benefit of its citizenry. The Democratic Convention is similarly easy to rationalize, given that the President and other national security targets will be there. But Bank of America’s shareholder meeting?
This annual corporate event is private, indoors, and part of ordinary corporate business. Worse, law enforcement’s targets aren’t potential Presidential assassins or hooligans with a stash of illegal fireworks; they’re peaceful political protesters. Heck, the protesters will include dissident shareholders and their proxies who have every right to be at the meeting. Besides, BofA will have home field advantage: the meeting’s at its corporate headquarters.
Rest here…
Bank of America owns Charlotte, and all of North Carolina for that matter. It is almost impossible to find an attorney to represent you against the BOA banksters, as there seems to be a directive directly from the N.C. Bar Association to allow Bank of America to rape, pillage, steal, extort, lie, and their enablers (the Judges, Clerks of Court, and politicians) are more than happy to accomodate their crimes.
Amerika is now a PLUTOCRACY
Amerika is now a PLUTOVRACY
Laws and taxes are for the little people.
Just goes to show you how the wonderful Government implements “laws” for one thing and uses them for another, or anything they choose to give them the power they want.
Non-judicial foreclosure…perfect example. Legislative intent was to make uncontested foreclosures less expensive and easy…now they are used to steal houses with fraudulent paperwork.
Yeah, “we’re from the Government and we’re here to help”… I guess they’ve got to fund those FEMA camps somehow…