Palm Beach County sheriff, clerk of circuit courts challengers coming out with gloves

Lisa Epstein/Clerk of Circuit Court Candidate: The clerk is a very complex job.

Meanwhile, Lisa Epstein has filed to run for the clerk of circuit court against Sharon Bock. Epstein, known as a “foreclosure fighter,” believes more needs to be done to protect home owners from banks.

Lisa Epstein/Clerk of Circuit Court Candidate: Our public land records have been defiled and unauthenticated with massive fraud by the banking industry.

However Palm Beach County Democratic party leader Mark Alan Siegel tried to dissuade Epstein from running,

Mark Alan Siegel: It’s very frustrating when people are providing their supporters with spectacle and entertainment.

An Epstein representative says she called Bock as a courtesy to let her know she was running, and the two appeared to have a very animated conversation.

Lisa Epstein/Clerk of Circuit Court Candidate: This will be a different kind of campaign that this county has ever seen.

The primary is August 14, while the general election is November 6th.

