A New Tool for Homeowners

With the support of the Occupy Our Homes movement, hundreds of people across America have taken a stand and demanded their bank negotiate to keep them in their home.

These bold individuals and courageous families have built support in their neighborhoods, pressured their banks, raised awareness (and sometimes a ruckus), and won their homes at an inspiring rate.

Of course, not everyone who is facing foreclosure and eviction is ready to occupy their home. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t find ways to help everyone facing foreclosure and eviction keep their home.

Today I’m excited to announce a new tool for anyone in housing crisis: http://Start2.OccupyOurHomes.org.

Start2.OccupyOurHomes.org allows anyone to start a campaign in support of a solution to their housing situation. This tool empowers people in housing crisis to start organizing on their own behalf in their community, and build power that they can leverage in their efforts to keep their home.

You can use this tool to target anyone—a bank loan officer, a local elected official, executives at Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac—whoever has the power to make sure you keep your home.

It’s easy to do—all it takes is a few quick steps: identify who you are petitioning, tell your neighbors and supporters around the world what you want them to do, then say why it’s important. You can start a campaign in support of keeping your home in a matter of minutes.

Once you start a campaign, we’ll be here to help answer questions and do our best to see you succeed.

The banks are more powerful than they should be—we all know this—but the Occupy Our Homes movement is proving that when homeowners fight back and organize within their communities, we have the power to beat the banks.

Take a stand, start a campaign, and save your home. Or if you’re not in housing crisis, come to the site and take action in support of brave people around the country who are fighting to keep their homes.


I look forward to seeing how we use this tool to beat the banks and win justice for homeowners.


In solidarity,

Matt Browner-Hamlin & the OccupyOurHomes.org team

