“The Wraiths, also built by United Drones, have the capability of carrying surveillance cameras and even lethal and non-lethal weapons.”
Drones to patrol skies over Republican convention
TAMPA — Security-conscious authorities will be using a wide variety of devices and technology to monitor the skies, streets and waterways around Tampa during next week’s Republican National Convention. Cameras, helicopters and law enforcement officers all will be employed to help look for suspicious activity and possible threats.
Add to that mix one more technology: drones.
This will mark the first time unmanned aerial vehicles will patrol the skies over a national convention, according to an engineer with a Naples company that builds and will operate the drones.
The vehicle, called an Aether Aero, is an eight-bladed vertical takeoff platform that will provide intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance to government agencies, according to Curt Winter, an engineer with United Drones.
The 41/2-foot-wide Aether Aero, which resembles a small helicopter, can fly up to 4,000 feet high and, with a specially built battery, can operate up to four hours at a time, Winter said. It is equipped with a 109x optical zoom camera, can lift up to 50 pounds and is so light it can be picked up with two fingers, according to Chris Knott, United Drones’ director of corporate development.
In addition to the unmanned aerial vehicles, United Drones will operate several unmanned ground vehicles, called Wraiths, at the convention. The Wraiths can travel up to 65 mph “and climb just about anything,” said Winter.
Rest here…
Zieg Heil Zieg Heil Zieg Heil
They are psychopathic control freaks.
Evil knows no bounds…… http://www.exposingsatanism.org/illuminati-jesuit.htm
Amusing. . . in a perverse way. Are we entering an apocalyptic era where the wealthy, or is it just Republicans, who must be protected from members further right than they portend to be, plus the left? Anarchists, Fascists, White Supremacists, tea party Republican extremists constitute the far right and Occupy/OWS, immigrants, women.LGBT and Democrats on the right?
From all accounts the GOP has already declared war on women, immigrant children, Democratic Senate and President Obama. Maybe they should be a little cautious in their ‘big to do!’
Wait a minute. . . .
Wasn’t it a Republican who said the victims of Katrina and other natural disasters were targeted by God who sent the storm as punishment to abortion and gay supporting Democrats?
What are they saying now about Hurricane Isaac rolling in on the Republican convention? Good ol; Biblical name for a act of God storm that might wipe out the elitist house party?
Is that silence I ‘hear’. . . . ?
HAHAHAHAHAHA! @ TTT – well played sir! I live in Clearwater and while I am not praying for a hurricane it just may be well to contemplate your reasoning for one coming. I live on high ground (yeah, that’s possible even in Florida) with hurrican shutters. I just dare one of those attendees to come knockin’ at my door for shelter. This whole RNC thing that the state officials have long embedded in our brains that it’s good for the Florida economy – hogwash! I’m in real estate (no laughts please)….so what, people that have been out of work for years suddently get a ‘temp’ job from the DNC ar going to go out and buy real estate or even make them qualified to buy a home? Businesses are barely surviving down here; unemployment just took another .50 hit in Florida & those people who do profit from the DNC, well, they’re so far in debt operating on a hamstring that it ain’t gonna make a dent in this economy! But people are just like those little drones above – midliess and being guided by another human being! “Tis such a pity……
Error – meant to say RNC instead of DNC. Sorry!