To: Chief Executive Officers and Compliance Officers of All National Banks, Federal Savings Associations, Federal Branches and Agencies, Department and Division Heads, All Examining Personnel, and Other Interested Parties
OCC | Community Reinvestment Act: Income Level for Median Family Income
Attached are the recently published Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC)-calculated Median Family Income (MFI) data. The 2012 MFI data incorporate information from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey.
The FFIEC estimates median family incomes for metropolitan statistical areas (MSA), metropolitan divisions (MD), and nonmetropolitan portions of each state. These data are used to determine income levels of geographies in Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) performance evaluations. The annual FFIEC data are used to determine 2012 borrower income levels in CRA performance evaluations.
The regulations implementing the CRA—12 CFR 25 and 12 CFR 195—classify the income level of a person or geography as low, moderate, middle, or upper, based on the area median income. Area median income is defined as “the median family income for the MSA, if a person or geography is located in an MSA, or for the metropolitan division, if a person or geography is located in an MSA that has been subdivided into metropolitan divisions”; or “the statewide nonmetropolitan median family income, if a person or geography is located outside an MSA.”
Please direct questions regarding this bulletin to your supervisory office or to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s Compliance Policy Department at (202) 874-4428.
Copy of the report below…
FFIEC Census and FFIEC Estimated MSA/MD Median Family Income for 2012 CRA/HMDA Reports
Anyone sleeping, and confused about why the OCC became an extension of the Banking Industry? Anyone still concerned about the concept of “capture”? Is it much easier to compartmentalize Government on one side, Big Banks on the other even though that concept is clearly false. Is there a magic line of “taboo” that the paid press is not allowed to cross?
Even after a few high profile departures of Wall Street professionals at the OCC – is the press required to maintain some sort of fantasy that because this is an “Agency” we are supposed to casually acknowledge they serve a greater public function?
The OCC aided and abetted the housing crisis, they have levied ridiculously stupid fines on their friends, and now they are tasked with determining “who was harmed.” You can’t make this stuff up, but the circus is real, and it is obscuring, covering and hiding a viciousness aimed right at most of the American people. “CAG” customer assistance group is in BED with Bank of America.The female REP from CAG dept. belittled myself,I hung up the phone.Don’t waste your time HOMEOWNERS the Banks are Corrupt Liars.
Who cares, OH our Attorney Generals, I am still waiting for answers in Delaware.
I follow this debacle led by GREED and PROFITS and I believe I could fix all of the crisis, even LIBOR in England.Demand Honesty.
FORGET Comptroller of the Currency helping anyone that really needs it!