DOJ News Conference on JPMorgan Suit
Oct. 2 (Bloomberg) — New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, speaks about the lawsuit filed against JPMorgan Chase & Co. for alleged mortgage fraud. Schneiderman accused the bank’s Bear Stearns unit, which JPMorgan bought in 2008, of using “depceptive” practices in selling hundreds of billions of dollars in mortgage bonds. U.S. Attorney for the District of Colorado John Walsh, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan, Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer and Acting Assistant Attorney General Tony West also speak at the news conference in Washington. (Source: Bloomberg)
If the Customer assistance group working on behalf of the Comptroller of the Currency is involved this means NOTHING unit is seriously flawed with representatives having work for ONE wasted year for me.
And this helps the screwed over American homeowner….how???????
In the meantime, John Walsh is allowing banks to foreclose on Colorado homeowners based on bank lawyers simply stating that the banks own the notes- what a hypocrite! Why isn’t he INSISTING on a judicial process for Colorado? It’s the most bank criminal friendly state in the nation! Now he knows it’s all fraud, but he leaves his own state hung out to dry!
No criminal charges.