Just in case you’re wondering if you are near a Fusion Center – the answer is always YES.
Intelligence effort named citizens, not terrorists
WASHINGTON (AP) — A multibillion-dollar information-sharing program created in the aftermath of 9/11 has improperly collected information about innocent Americans and produced little valuable intelligence on terrorism, a Senate report concludes. It portrays an effort that ballooned far beyond anyone’s ability to control.
What began as an attempt to put local, state and federal officials in the same room analyzing the same intelligence has instead cost huge amounts of money for data-mining software, flat screen televisions and, in Arizona, two fully equipped Chevrolet Tahoes that are used for commuting, investigators found.
The lengthy, bipartisan report is a scathing evaluation of what the Department of Homeland Security has held up as a crown jewel of its security efforts. The report underscores a reality of post-9/11 Washington: National security programs tend to grow, never shrink, even when their money and manpower far surpass the actual subject of terrorism. Much of this money went for ordinary local crime-fighting.
Disagreeing with the critical conclusions of the report, Homeland Security says it is outdated, inaccurate and too focused on information produced by the program, ignoring benefits to local governments from their involvement with federal intelligence officials.
More here…
Copy of the report below…
Fusion Center Locations and Contact Information
State and major urban area fusion centers (fusion centers) are owned and operated by state and local entities, and are designated by the governor of their state. In accordance with the Federal Resource Allocation Criteria (RAC) policy, which defines objective criteria and a coordinated approach for prioritizing the allocation of federal resources to fusion centers, the federal government recognizes these designations and has a shared responsibility with state and local governments to support the national network of fusion centers.
The following includes the list of primary and recognized fusion centers (associated contact information). Primary fusion centers serve as the focal points within the state and local environment for the receipt, analysis, gathering, and sharing of threat-related information and have additional responsibilities related to the coordination of critical operational capabilitiesacross the statewide fusion process with other recognized fusion centers. Furthermore, primary centers are the highest priority for the allocation of available federal resources, including the deployment of personnel and connectivity with federal data systems.
Primary Fusion Centers
- Alabama Fusion Center
- Alaska Information and Analysis Center
- Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center
- Arkansas State Fusion Center
- California State Threat Assessment Center
- Colorado Information Analysis Center
- Connecticut Intelligence Center
- Delaware Information and Analysis Center
- Florida Fusion Center
- Georgia Information Sharing and Analysis Center
- Hawaii Pacific Regional Information Clearinghouse
- Idaho Criminal Intelligence Center
- Illinois Statewide Terrorism and Intelligence Center
- Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center
- Iowa Intelligence Fusion Center
- Kansas Intelligence Fusion Center
- Kentucky Intelligence Fusion Center
- Louisiana State Analytical & Fusion Exchange
- Maine Information and Analysis Center
- Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center
- Massachusetts Commonwealth Fusion Center
- Michigan Intelligence Operations Center
- Minnesota Joint Analysis Center
- Mississippi Analysis and Information Center
- Missouri Information Analysis Center
- Montana All-Threat Intelligence Center
- Nebraska Information Analysis Center
- New Hampshire Information and Analysis Center
- New Jersey Regional Operations Intelligence Center
- New Mexico All Source Intelligence Center
- New York State Intelligence Center
- North Carolina Information Sharing and Analysis Center
- North Dakota State and Local Intelligence Center
- Ohio Strategic Analysis and Information Center
- Oklahoma Information Fusion Center
- Oregon Terrorism Information Threat Assessment Network
- Pennsylvania Criminal Intelligence Center
- Puerto Rico National Security State Information Center
- Rhode Island State Fusion Center
- South Carolina Information and Intelligence Center
- South Dakota Fusion Center
- Southern Nevada Counter-Terrorism Center (Las Vegas, Nevada)
- Tennessee Fusion Center
- Texas Fusion Center
- U.S. Virgin Islands Fusion Center
- Utah Statewide Information and Analysis Center
- Vermont Information and Analysis Center
- Virginia Fusion Center
- Washington Regional Threat and Analysis Center (Washington, D.C.)
- Washington State Fusion Center
- West Virginia Intelligence Fusion Center
- Wisconsin Statewide Information Center
Recognized Fusion Centers
As the Federal Government respects the authority of state governments to designate fusion centers, any designated fusion center, including major urban area fusion centers, not designated as a primary fusion center is referred to as a recognized fusion center.
- Austin Regional Intelligence Center; Austin, TX
- Boston Regional Intelligence Center; Boston, MA
- Central California Intelligence Center; Sacramento, CA
- Central Florida Intelligence Exchange; Orlando, FL
- Chicago Crime Prevention and Information Center; Chicago, IL
- Cincinnati/Hamilton County Regional Terrorism Early Warning Group; Cincinnati, OH
- Delaware Valley Intelligence Center; Philadelphia, PA
- Detroit and Southeast Michigan Information and Intelligence Center; Detroit, MI
- Houston Regional Intelligence Service Center; Houston, TX
- Kansas City Regional Terrorism Early Warning Interagency Analysis Center; Kansas City, MO
- Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center; Los Angeles, CA
- El Paso Fusion Center (MATRIX); El Paso, TX
- Metro Operations Support and Analytical Intelligence Center; Dallas, TX
- Nevada Threat Analysis Center; Carson City, NV
- North Central Texas Fusion Center; McKinney, TX
- Northeast Ohio Regional Fusion Center; Cleveland, OH
- Northern California Regional Intelligence Center; San Francisco, CA
- Northern Virginia Regional Intelligence Center; Fairfax, VA
- Orange County Intelligence Assessment Center; Orange County, CA
- San Diego Law Enforcement Coordination Center; San Diego, CA
- Southeast Florida Fusion Center; Miami, FL
- Southeastern Wisconsin Threat Analysis Center; Milwaukee, WI
- Southwest Texas Fusion Center; San Antonio, TX
- Southwestern PA Region 13 Fusion Center; Pittsburgh, PA
- St. Louis Fusion Center; St. Louis, MO
Do we need any more proof that 9/11 was really a war on our freedom and independence by these traitor politicians…?
OK this is really stupid to see/read, I have only skimmed through pg 11 and I am disgusted ..”repeatedly” by our government’s lack of intelligence and again disgusted by it’s bulling tactics, now think a moment here, what we again (“””Unwittingly””” ) have paid them to do with our money… and they… As Usual act like spoiled children that are infested evil beings… squander it and have less than intelligent beings at the helm, it is purely outrageous this is going on. I do hope when I get the chance to skim the rest of this doc, I will see our money being put to good use but I doubt it (and not against the American general public but surveillance on the infiltrated groups put into place in this country over the last decade in fast fashion by you know who), and I have a suggestion, gather terrorist intelligence information on our own government as it is well known they are continually “trying” to scare and fear monger the general public FURTHER into slavery. Yep once again our money at work by the brotherhood. Do not stand “carelessly” by, call your rep and give them hell!!!! Oh wait there more!! maybe this is the transparency they were talking about back in 2008 HAH…. BS for sure, mad yet???? take action!! WE need to get ALL of the scum out of our country ALL of them and I am pretty sure most Real Americans do not care how this is accomplished and they are being pushed hard to make this happen in “Fast Fashion..”!