If You Think Elizabeth Warren Is Going To Act Like A Junior Senator, Think Again
After one of the most expensive Senate campaigns in history, Elizabeth Warren will join the United States Senate as the junior Senator from Massachusetts.
But, as skeptics have already pointed out, the Senate’s emphasis on seniority will place Warren at or near the very bottom of its pecking order. Does this mean that she will be ineffective? Constrained to abysmal committee assignments and expected to be seen and not heard?
That she will be compelled to follow Senate protocols and maintain a low profile while she builds the necessary relationships? That she will follow party leadership, even when it might be at odds with her own beliefs?
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/elizabeth-warren-as-a-junior-senator-2012-11#ixzz2BeOj6GhE
Long Long ago and Far Away …. Yeah It’s been going on that long
Elizabeth Warren is a hope for every struggling homowner,It is time the mortgage industry is brought to task.God bless you Elizabeth.