“We’re all going crazy, trying to figure out what to do,” she said. “It’s unbelievable that it can be done. Plus, if they’ve got the balls to break in the house, what’s to prevent them from coming over here?”
Squatting in style: 23-year-old occupies empty $2.5 million Boca home
The 23-year-old has moved into an empty $2.5 million mansion in a posh Boca Raton neighborhood, using an obscure Florida real estate law to stake his claim on the foreclosed waterside property.
The police can’t move him. No one saw him breaking into the 5-bedroom house, so it’s a civil matter. And representatives for the real owner, Bank of America, said they are aware of the situation and are following a legal process.
But the situation is driving his wealthy neighbors crazy.
“This is a very upsetting thing,” said next door neighbor Lyn Houston. “Last week, I went to the Bank of America and asked to see the person in charge of mortgages. I told them, ‘I am prepared to buy this house.’ They haven’t even called me back.”
More on this story here…

Gotta love the mouse! !Why sit in judgement of this young man,he obviously is smarter than the banks and is doing exactly what they have done to countless homeowners.Just taking a page from thier books and making it work for him.This is what it has come to and I have to say I admire him for having enough brass plated danglies to attempt it.ROFLMAO.Go get them young one.
BOFA does not own anything….they steal everything by secrets, lies and deception to defraud everyone. What goes around always comes around.
It is not obscure, but it is rarely used. It is Florida Statute 95.18 – and see the Florida Department of Revenue, form #DR-452. That must be filed, and my suggestion is file it on public records so you are letting everyone know what you are doing. – http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0000-0099/0095/Sections/0095.18.html and http://dor.myflorida.com/dor/property/forms/
Love the mouse….This young man has done nothing wrong or anything different than what BOA are doing. Good for them….Ha Ha Ha