Street Justice… Was Dorner Right?
By George Mantor
Editors Note: If you have the time, I suggest reading his manifesto here…
It is long, but it goes into the depths of his mind and helps one understand what has brought this man to this point…
Well, now, it’s come down to this. Let’s see, what might have prevented this, more guns, or fewer guns? More lethal bullets or less lethal bullets?
Two women in a blue Toyota Tacoma were mistaken by police officers for a suspect driving a Grey Nissan Titan and their truck was riddled with gunfire, not by the Taliban but by Los Angeles police detectives searching for former LAPD officer Christopher Dorner.
Later they gunned down another truck driving motorist.
What are the implications of a decorated and well trained public servant going all Colonel Kurtz on his former comrades? Is he crazy? Is he wrong?
This story is going to take a while to unwind but already a couple of things are clear. Law enforcement has no intention of allowing Dorner to testify at a trial and the police detectives in this case are such terrible shots that their guns should be taken away for their own and everyone else’s protection.
If they weren’t such horrific shots these women would both be dead.
I can just hear it now. “The elderly woman appeared to be reaching for something in her waist band.”
That’s my favorite. There always reaching for something in their waist band. That never made any sense to me. When you wear falling-down, dragging-on-the-ground, baggy-ass pants it’s hard to conceal anything in the waist band…and keeping it there.
Ask NFL player Plaxico Burress who shot himself in the leg when his Glock .40 slid down his pant leg.
Fully loaded, a Glock .40 weighs over 31 ounces. Unless you are wearing undersized Sansabelts gravity is going to win.
The other thing that has been made clear is that the rest of us are warned that if they even think for a second that we are Dorner because we are either large, black, driving to slowly, or driving any manner of truck, without regard to make, model, or color, they will shoot every piece of flesh, clean off our bones, without thinking about it twice.
This is some serious shit going down here. I think of vein of truth has been opened and some ugly revelations are going to get some heat and light. Dorner may be crazy but he might still be right. Gunning down unidentified motorists, hoping to stop one of their own from telling his story, demonstrates quite clearly that civil rights no longer mean much to law enforcement.
Editors Note: Again, if you have the time, I suggest reading his manifesto here…
I’ve met him a few times at local festivals. As a Orange County resident, Black former Navy missile engineer, Harvard Kennedy Fellow and person who frequents the City of Los Angeles, I understand and applaud him.
I don’t support the violent overthrow of the U.S. government, but California is too corrupt and Washington is not hearing our pleas. I should know. I keep calling and pleading with them.
He’s been schooled by the system ,,, and the system turned him into a real life Rambo … I hope that if he doesn’t complete his mission that someone else takes it up as their cause ….
Regrettably The Honorable Officer C. Dorner was Victimized by NOT grasping the Nature of the Talmudic Pharisaic Legal Whore of BaBa’alYAHan; He Ran Head On into the very same Kangaroo man god church courts of Satan that Abuse and Fornicate Americans every Day where the DECK is Stacked and “The FIX is IN” before You go like Lambs to the Slaughter into WARing Tribes of demoniacs masquerading as Public Servants or officios? Kind of Like Jason Bourne Supremacy?
After sifting through the Dorner manifesto, it sounds like he’s fed up with liars, crooks, and thieves. I don’t recommend the same behavior, but I understand his frustration. If we all did this, the Second Civil War would erupt here. Scary thought. Even scarier knowing the government is gearing up for this conflict.
It is time for the American taxpayer/homeowner to take appropriate action…just as the founders of our country did. Just a thought….what if hundreds of thousands of citizens just refused to pay their mortgages in objection to the corrupt, bank-bought judicial system and in objection to the governmental, financial and corporate conspiracy which literally sponsors the biggest Ponzi scheme this country has ever seen. Too big to fail has transformed into “too big to jail”