I am a foreclosure defense attorney in St. Petersburg, I oppose House Bill 87, The Foreclosure FastTrack Bill And Here’s Why
By Matt Weidner
In my practice, I defend homeowners facing foreclosure in the Tampa, St. Petersburg area. Currently, and over the years, I have had the great pleasure of representing thousands of homeowners across the State of Florida who face a David v. Goliath battle that pits them, often families of limited means, against the most powerful and well-funded, corrupt corporate entities that ravage the world today.
The banks are corrupt corporate cabals who have been permitted to ravage this nation’s economy. They have stolen trillions from this generation, and worse, they have stolen trillions from our children and from our grandchildren. Not only have they been permitted to do so, they have been given help, encouragement and received direct assistance, they have received material aid and support from the state and federal governments that had a duty to protect and defend the citizens and communities who have been ravaged by the reckless and criminal conduct of these institutions.
And while the state and federal governments may have settled with them. And while the state and federal governments may have accepted bribes, payoffs, settlements. And while the state and federal governments may have signed treaties, waived white flags of surrender, abdicated their offices and surrendered, I have not.
I took an oath to protect and defend my clients, my constituents, my community and I have not forsaken that oath. I will continue to defend my clients. I will continue to respect and honor the trust my clients have given to me. Even though the governments, state and federal, have forsaken them.
Rest here…
Will there be a rally in Tallahassee to get HR 87 tabled?
Righteous art thou, O Lord, when I plead with thee: yet let me talk with thee: yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments: Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are al they happy that deal very treacherously? Jeremiah 12:1 Ocwen constructed a Settlement Payoff Statement in the contract they demand that I don’t sue any of their former constituents. If can not sue any of their former colleagues to pay them why write a Payoff Statement. Thank Jesus for your help.
Our firm see’s these crimes being alowed to occur on a daily basis. These HACKS must be shut down and jailed.
”Fight the Good Fight”, Every Minute, Every Day!
HSBC Bank. This is an OUTRAGE. Evidence?. Read: http://www.RollingStone.com/ Dated: 12/13/2012