Today is our last opportunity to stop these two unconstitutional and criminally inspired Bills from passing into law.
This year, just as in past years when the Banksters tried to force similar unconstitutional laws upon us, brinkmanship and open corruption have been evident to all of us who have closely followed the disgraceful behavior of our elected Representatives and Senators.
Every political dirty trick in the book has been utilized to try and force this garbage into ‘law’, including setting Committee hearings at short notice, deliberately leaving insufficient time for people who have traveled from the four corners of this State to give testimony to speak, engaging in deliberate filibustering to run out of time to stop public protests at meetings.
HB 87 has passed the House and SB 1666 is up for its second reading on Thursday May 2, 2013. Both Bills must pass both Houses before they can be sent to the Governor to sign. We must stop them from passing and the only way to do it is for us all to email and/or phone the Senators. We have believed from the outset that we would probably have to fight the real battle at the last minute in the Senate.
Please email and preferably phone every Senator’s Office in Tallahassee on Thursday and on Friday to tell them that every Senator who votes for these Bills is deliberately engaging in the criminalization of Florida’s legislature and to tell them that if this Bill passes they will all be held accountable.
Please make certain that you tell them that Senator Latvala who sponsored SB 1666 and his partner in crime in the House Representative Passidomo are clearly acting as agents of corrupt Banksters and against the interests of the citizens and residents of Florida.
If we fail to pressure these tyrants on Thursday and Friday this disaster will happen and we will have to continue our fight to get it declared as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court and to have it repealed. Please don’t think your voice does not count. Together we have more power than they think they have. To make it easy and time saving for you all, here is a simple message that you can cut and paste into a personal email and send to each Senator.
Dear Senator
Please be advised that HB87 and SB1666 are unconstitutional, as well you know, because you have all had a copy of Attorney Henry P. Trawick’s letters telling you that these Bills must not be passed. You also know that Mr. Trawick intends to file suit against this State if this Bill becomes ‘law’.
For those of you who don’t know, Mr. Trawick is popularly known as ‘The Dean of Rules’ and is the foremost authority on Florida’s Rules of Court, having been the drafter of those Rules.
There can be no excuse for any of you who votes for these unconstitutional and criminally inspired Bankster sponsored Bills. It is unthinkable that in these United States, or in this State that a law could be enacted which protects a thief, his fence and the purchaser of stolen property against ever having to return the stolen property to the thief’s victim. Yet that is precisely what the Sponsors and every one of Florida’s Senators who vote for these Bills want to achieve to satisfy their corporate masters.
Even a proposed amendment on the floor of the House to HB 87, that would have specifically provided that the victims of the Bankster thieves who had used forged and otherwise fraudulent documents to obtain title to real property as a result of a subsequently proven criminally orchestrated theft of that home could have been entitled to its return was defeated by a large majority. Such is the depth of depravity in Florida’s Legislature and the people are getting to the end of their tether.
You were not elected by Banksters and other corporatists, you were elected by the people to govern the people for the people. Do your jobs – vote no or prepare to be exposed for what you truly are – a puppet of corporatism and an enemy of the people.
Feel free to cut and paste this draft letter or to alter it as you see fit. What is important is that they get the message that we know what they are doing, we are watching them and they will not be allowed to get away with it!
The contact details for each Senator are as follows:
Senator Joseph Abruzzo (850) 487-5025 abruzzo.joseph.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Thad Altman (850) 487-5016 altman.thad.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Aaron Bean (850) 487-5004 bean.aaron.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto (850) 487-5030 benacquisto.lizbeth.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Rob Bradley (850) 487-5007 bradley.rob.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Jeff Brandes (850) 487-5022 brandes.jeff.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Oscar Braynon, II (850) 487-5036 braynon.oscar.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Dwight Bullard (850) 487-5039 bullard.dwight.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Jeff Clemens (850) 487-5027 clemens.jeff.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Charles S. Dean, Sr. (850) 487-5005 dean.charles.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Nancy C. Detert (850) 487-5028 detert.nancy.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Miguel Diaz de la Portilla (850) 487-5040 portilla.miguel.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Greg Evers (850) 487-5002 evers.greg.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Anitere Flores (850) 487-5037 flores.anitere.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Don Gaetz (850) 487-5001 gaetz.don.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Bill Galvano (850) 487-5026 galvano.bill.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Rene Garcia (850) 487-5038 garcia.rene.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Andy Gardiner (850) 487-5013 gardiner.andy.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Audrey Gibson (850) 487-5009 gibson.audrey.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Denise Grimsley (850) 487-5021 grimsley.denise.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Alan Hays (850) 487-5011 hays.alan.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Dorothy L. Hukill (850) 487-5008 hukill.dorothy.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Arthenia L. Joyner (850) 487-5019 joyner.arthenia.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Jack Latvala (850) 487-5020 latvala.jack.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Tom Lee (850) 487-5024 lee.tom.web@flsenate.gov
Senator John Legg (850) 487-5017 legg.john.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Gwen Margolis (850) 487-5035 margolis.gwen.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Bill Montford (850) 487-5003 montford.bill.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Joe Negron (850) 487-5032 negron.joe.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Garrett Richter (850) 487-5023 richter.garrett.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Jeremy Ring (850) 487-5029 ring.jeremy.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Maria Lorts Sachs (850) 487-5034 sachs.maria.web@flsenate.gov
Senator David Simmons (850) 487-5010 simmons.david.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Wilton Simpson (850) 487-5018 simpson.wilton.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Christopher L. Smith (850) 487-5031 smith.chris.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Eleanor Sobel (850) 487-5033 sobel.eleanor.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Darren Soto (850) 487-5014 soto.darren.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Kelli Stargel (850) 487-5015 stargel.kelli.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Geraldine F. Thompson (850) 487-5012 thompson.geraldine.web@flsenate.gov
Senator John Thrasher (850) 487-5006 thrasher.john.web@flsenate.gov
Let me tell you that I have consistently emailed and called these reps. Half of the time I get replies back “your message has been deleted without reading” or I get these ‘auto reply’ wherein it’s just a bunch of garbage about how they are sooooooo busy. For the life of me I just don’t know why we keep on re-electing these yahoos. When I call there’re never available, but I can leave a message. Yeah right, I’m giving my opinion and the caller says “ok, I’ll give them the message”. Must be a speed writer (all of them) because no way she could have taken that message that quickly.
I feel ya – maybe from now on when we get an auto-reply we should repost it to our rep’s facebook pages so everyone can read it.
THANK YOU Bobbi for your efforts!
It is a frustrating time to have our elected officials listen only to the moneyed interests rather than their constituents. However, they do keep track of visits, calls and emails. I am Imagining that the banksters and their lobbyists are frantically scurrying around Tallahassee at this very moment, trying to blackmail the Senators into voting for this BAD and UNCONSTITUTIONAL bill.
We can only keep up our opposition. Thanks for yours.