Associated Press: Two Years Later, Fla. Homeowners Still Facing Foreclosure Fraud Problems (VIDEO)
Bryan and Ileana Russell received eviction notices from a law firm last year, even though they had never missed a mortgage payment.
Bryan and Ileana Russell received eviction notices from a law firm last year, even though they had never missed a mortgage payment.
We were told by the attorneys representing the bank that filed a wrongful foreclosure against us, that they did not have to research the validity of the foreclosure. They followed it up by saying they were just following orders from their client, the bank. The court magistrate has so far agreed with them. Now this is the same magistrate who has ordered my wife to travel from Naples, Fl. to Indianapolis In. to appear in front of her to show cause for what the magistrate says was disrespect from my wife. The same Magistrate who ordered our attorney to act only as a conduit and not represent us, then the magistrate suggested he withdrawl his appearance. If you think you’ll have a chance in court, you’de be wrong. You would be better off allowing them to foreclose/evict. I know if we had it to do over we would have allowed them to foreclose on the home we didn’t own. All I have to say is good luck. We too tried to do the right thing by alerting the justice system to wrong doings by the banks and their attorneys. We have lost thousands of dollars and face retribution by a federal magistrate. Justice, What Justice???