Editorial: Scott should veto the Legislature’s foreclosure bill
The Legislature finally has passed a bill to ease Florida’s foreclosure crisis. The problem is, it’s a bad bill that Gov. Scott should veto.
Rep. Kathleen Passidomo, R-Naples, sponsor of House Bill 87, believes that giving banks the right to seek a quicker hearing would get the state’s 350,000 foreclosure cases resolved faster. Her approach might make sense if the banks weren’t causing the backlog by not acting on the cases they file.
Though some homeowners employ attorneys who are responsible for delays, the vast majority are at the mercy of lenders who set the timetable for how quickly cases move, or don’t move. It takes an average of two years to dispose of foreclosure lawsuits in Florida because too often lenders and servicers don’t want to assume the taxes, association dues and expenses to list a house for sale that they incur after taking possession. They also don’t want a glut of foreclosures depressing prices and furthering their losses. So they let cases languish. On Friday, the backlog prompted the Florida Supreme Court to order that trial courts hire magistrates, to move more cases.
HB 87 would let lenders seek a “show cause” hearing, forcing homeowners into court quickly to prove that they shouldn’t be foreclosed on. That would not light a fire under the banks.
Rest here…
I have been out of my house for more than a year. During that time, Chase has cut the grass–and done a real sh*tty job–twice. The property ain’t in some trailer park, either; it’s in the nicest mainland neighborhood in town.
My poor house has gone from being a lovely home in need of a little repair here and there to a tear-down.
Thanks, you f^ckers at Chase and WAMU–you’re going to hell for what you did to me and to tens of thousands of other poor sobs. Just wait.
“shared” this with Governor Scott via email.