An OOHA resident fighter, Carmen Pittman, was tazed and violently arrested this morning while peacefully protesting at the Department of Justice. She was there with others demanding that Eric Holder and the DOJ prosecute and jail bankers for their economy-crashing crimes.
Here’s more on Carmen’s story:

Remind anyone of Nazi Germany?
Amazing how they keep protecting the Bankster’s. They should be tarred and feathered for their crimes. I’m tires of the BS. Let’s see. The Attorney General of Maryland doesn’t have jurisdiction (Doug Gansler), but stated that the DLLR does. Funny, the DLLR stated that they don’t have jurisdiction in my State, and forwarded it to the OCC, Dallas Texas address. The OCC? Organized Crime Cartel who are in bed with Wall Street?? They are really sticking it to We The People. NO ONE is holding them accountable. But if it were you or I?? We would be typing this from a jail house chat room.
This is totally disgusting and that officer should be fired!!!!!
US foreclosure victims threaten civil disobedience
Watch Video ::::