
AG: Lawyer e-mails indicate collusion to control foreclosure billing

Colorado’s two biggest foreclosure law firms, Castle Law Group and Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, appear to have manipulated and influenced the foreclosure process — in practice and at the Capitol — in a way that guaranteed themselves millions of dollars in profits at the expense of homeowners and taxpayers, according to state investigators.

In a stunning court filing made public Thursday, Attorney General John Suthers’ office lays out a theory of conspiracy and price-fixing that investigators say the two firms allegedly engaged in to corner a lucrative piece of the state’s foreclosure market.

An attorney for Aronowitz denied Friday the firm colluded with Castle or influenced the legislative process. Attorneys for Castle would not comment.

Because the firms for years controlled the bulk of the foreclosure work in Colorado, they could profit handsomely and easily on a state law requiring legal notices to be posted on homeowners’ properties by steering that work to companies they owned or had a heavy interest in.

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