Foreclosure King David J Stern

Fla. Supreme Court disbars foreclosure king David J. Stern

The Florida Supreme Court issued an order Tuesday officially disbarring David J. Stern, whose once-massive Plantation-based law firm collapsed amid allegations of fraudulent foreclosure documents.

Stern did not appeal a referee’s recommendation for the disbarment following an October hearing.

The Florida Bar pursued 17 complaints against Stern, who spoke publicly for the first time at the hearing and said he wasn’t to blame for mistakes made on foreclosures handled by his firm.

It was Stern’s refusal to accept responsibility for the problems that riled Palm Beach County Circuit Judge Nancy Perez, who acted as referee in the case.

“Mr. Stern has not expressed any remorse in these proceedings,” Perez wrote in her recommendation. “He has taken no responsibility.”

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Copy of the order below.



David J. Stern Disbarment Order